AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Objective of the Study1.2 Structure of the PaperChapter 2 Literature Review2.1. Language Transfer2.2. Error AnalysisChapter 3 English as Second Language Writing3.1 Native Language Writing and Second Language Writing3.2 Native Language Transfer on Second Language WritingChapter 4 Negative Transfer in English Writings of Chinese College Students4.1 Linguistic Errors4.1.1 Phonetic Interference4.1.2 Morphological Interference4.1.3 Lexical Interference4.1.4 Syntactic Interference4.2 Pragmatic Errors4.2.1 Cultural Interference4.2.2 Discourse Interference4.3 SummaryChapter 5 Countermeasures against Negative Chinese Transfer5.1 Contrast the Two Languages5.2 Increase Language Input through Listening and Reading5.3 Increase Grammar Teaching5.4 Teach Students How to Establish Cohesion and Coherence5.5 Provide Effective Feedback to Written ErrorsChapter 6 ConclusionAppendixBibliography
标签:错误分析论文; 语言负迁移论文; 英语作为第二语言的写作论文; 语言迁移论文;