ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要Chapter Ⅰ NTRODUCTION1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Methods of Research1.4 Layout of the ThesisChapter Ⅱ ITERATURE REVIEW2.1 A Brief History of the Practice and Theories in the West2.1.1 Medieval and Renaissance (1100-1600)2.1.2 Early Modern Conditions (1600-1800)2.1.3 Romantic, Modern and Contemporary Conditions (1800-2000)2.2 Studies on Self-translation in China2.3 The Differences between Translation and Self-TranslationChapter Ⅲ HE TRANSFORMATION OF JIN SUO JI3.1 Eileen Chang: A Bilingual Writer and Translator3.2 The Transformations Based on Jin Suo Ji3.2.1 Jin Suo Ji 3.2.2 The Rouge of the North3.3 Changes Happening from Jin Suo Ji to The Rouge of the North3.3.1 Changes Resulting from Deletion3.3.2 Changes Resulting from Amplification3.3.3 More Psychological Movements in The Rouge of the North3.4 Self-Translation from The Rouge of the North to Yuan Nv3.5 Faithful Self-Translation from Jin Suo JI to The Golden Cangue3.6 Features of Chang’s Self-TranslationChapter Ⅳ EILEEN CHANG’S SELF-TRANSLAITON OF JIN SUO JI4.1 Cultural Compensation4.2 Transfer of Linguistic Features4.2.1 Foreignization Strategy4.2.2 The Use of Subjectless Sentence Structure4.2.3 Classical Heritage in the Four Versions4.2.4 Self-Translation of Names, Onomatopoeia, and Colors4.2.4.1 Self-Translation of Names and Salutation4.2.4.2 Self-Translation of Onomatopoeia and Exclamation4.2.4.3 Self-Translation of Colors4.3 Transfer of ImagesChapter Ⅴ CONCLUSIONWorks Cited
标签:自译论文; 双语论文; 张爱玲论文; 金锁记论文;
Eileen Chang’s Self-Translation Practice ——From the Transformation of the Four Versions of Jin Suo Ji