中文部分摘要Abstract0 前言0.1 缘起、研究目的和研究方法0.2 研究综述1. 地处中原的长江水系商业重镇—赊旗镇1.1 赊店镇兴起的时间与原因1.1.1 赊旗镇兴起的时间1.1.2 赊旗镇兴起的原因1.2 以赊旗镇山陕会馆为中心简析赊旗镇商业的发展历程1.3 赊旗镇商业的基本状况分析1.4 赊店镇的衰落原因分析1.4.1 战乱和匪患1.4.2 全国性商品市场的变化1.4.3 水源问题的凸显1.4.4 交通运输方式的改变2. 豫东水运商业重镇周口2.1 周口的兴起时间与原因2.2 由周口镇历史遗存看其商业发展状况3. 豫中名镇—朱仙镇3.1 朱仙镇商业兴起的时间和原因3.2 由朱仙镇历史遗存看其商业发展状况3.3 朱仙镇商业的主要行业4. 联结江淮的转运码头—北舞渡镇4.1 北舞渡镇商业兴起的时间与原因4.2 从北舞渡镇的历史遗存看其商业状况5. 中原水运网络和商业市镇的综合分析5.1 中原水运重镇之间的联系及其辐射范围5.2 中原水运网络和海洋贸易的联系5.3 中原水运网络的衰落及启示6.结论参考文献致谢个人简历发表的学术论文英文部分 Abstract0. Prologue0.1. Research objective and research way0.2. Research summarize1. Sheqi town—an important commercial town of Changjiang River system that located in Central Plains1.1. The time and reason for the rise of Sheqi town1.1.1 The time of Sheqi town’s rise1.1.2. The reason for Sheqi town’s rise1.2. Analyses of commercial development process of Sheqi town with Shanshan Assembly Hall as a center1.3. The basic scale of commercial of Sheqi town1.4. The analyses of reasons for the decline of the Sheqi town1.4.1. War and Banditry1.4.2. Changes in the commodity markets1.4.3. Highlighted water problems1.4.4. The change of vehicle2. Zhoukou Town: the eastern business center of Henan Province2.1. Zhoukou Town: The time and reasons for its rising2.2. About the business development of Zhoukou town from its history relique3. Zhuxianzhen town: A famous town of central Henan Province3.1. Zhuxianzhen town: The time and reasons for its commercial rising3.2. About the commercial development of Zhuxianzhen town from its historical relics3.3. The major business of Zhuxianzhen Town4. Beiwudu town: The transshipment dock which connecting Jianghuai4.1. Beiwudu town: The time and reasons for its commercial rising4.2. About the business of Beiwudu Town from its historical relics5. The comprehensive analysis about water transportation nets of Central Plains Area and commercial towns5.1. The relation and coverage among these important towns of water transportation nets in the Central Plains Area5.2. The relation between the water transportation nets of Central Plains Area and maritime trade5.3. The decline and enlightenment about the water transportation nets of Central Plains Area6. The conclusionReferencesThanks
标签:商业论文; 水运论文; 兴衰论文;