Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 General Statement1.2 Purpose of This Thesis1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 A Survey of ESP2.1.1 Origin of ESP2.1.2 Definitions of ESP and EST2.1.3 Classifications of ESP2.1.4 Development of ESP2.1.5 EST Teaching in China2.2 A Survey of Genre Analysis Studies2.2.1 An Overview of Discourse Analysis Studies2.2.2 Previous Studies on Genre Analysis2.2.3 The Relationship Between Discourse Analysis and Genre Analysis2.2.4 Two Main Traditions of Genre AnalysisChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Genre Theory3.1.1 Genre in Linguistics3.1.2 Definitions of Genre3.2 Approaches to Genre Analysis3.2.1 Swale's Model3.2.2 Bhatia's Model3.3 Genre-based Teaching Approaches in Two Different Schools3.3.1 Australian School's Teaching Approach3.3.2 Swalesian School's Teaching Approach3.4 Framework for the Present StudyChapter Four The Application of Genre Analysis to EST Teaching4.1 A Brief Introduction to Traditional EST Teaching Approaches4.1.1 Grammar-translation Teaching Approach4.1.2 Register-based Teaching Approach4.1.3 Discourse-based Teaching Approach4.1.4 Genre-based Teaching Approach4.2 The Suggested Genre-based EST Teaching Approach for the Present Study4.2.1 Genre Analysis Stage4.2.2 Independent Analysis Stage4.2.3 In-depth Analysis Stage4.2.4 Imitative Writing Stage4.3 Objectives of the Application Study4.4 The Pedagogical Application4.4.1 Subjects4.4.2 Teaching Materials4.4.3 Teaching Procedure4.4.4 The Implementation of the Suggested Teaching Approach4.5 DiscussionChapter Five Suggestions5.1 Roles of the EST Teacher in the Genre-based Approach5.1.1 As a Teacher5.1.2 As a Course Designer and Materials Provider5.1.3 As a Researcher5.1.4 As a Collaborator5.1.5 As an Evaluator5.2 Pedagogical Suggestions5.2.1 For the Application of the Proposed Genre-based Approach5.2.2 For the Improvement of the Genre-based ApproachChapter Six ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:科技英语教学论文; 文体学论文; 体裁分析论文; 体裁分析教学法论文;