本文将搜集到的一些汉语校园头衔称谓语的翻译进行对比发现了校园头衔称谓翻译的混乱。进一步分析发现,每位译者针对单个称谓词去寻找对等翻译的方法是造成混乱的原因。对翻译理论的综述,进一步证实将整个校园头衔称谓看作一个系统,保持对所有词语翻译的连贯性才是解决这种混乱局面的方法。 为了系统地进行翻译,本文设想了一个四步骤的翻译方法,并且对该步骤中的一部分进行了简单地实施。试验基于中英美12所大学的网页进行的,包括中国的北大、清华、复旦以及大连理工大学,英国的牛津、剑桥、伯明翰和兰开斯特大学,美国的哈佛、麻省理工学院、耶鲁大学和普林西顿大学。结果证明该翻译方法是可行的,但是这是一项复杂的工程,需要相关专家的合作,政府,出版社等的支持。因为校园头衔称谓翻译的研究不但有助于规范对校园头衔称谓,称谓,专有名词等的翻译,而且有助于规范现代汉语,促进和称谓相关的语言学,社会学,文化学,人类学等诸多领域的发展,作者呼吁有关人士和机构对称谓翻译的关注进而改善我国目前翻译的现状。
摘要Abstract插图或附表清单1 Introduction1.1 Towards a definition1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Methodology2 Problems to be investigated2.1 Illustration of two tables2.2 Analyzing some C-E translation of university ORA terms2.2.1 CPC titles2.2.2 Non-CPC titles2.3 Summary3 Review of related literature3.1 Treatment for cultural factors3.1.1 Difficulties in translating cultural factors3.1.2 Views of Jin Huikang3.1.3 The distinction of cultural words and cultural loaded words3.2 Translation methods for title appellation terms3.2.1 Views of Liang Qichao3.2.2 Views of Cheng Yongsheng3.3 Standards for translating nominal terminologies3.3.1 Views of Li Zhiyu and Li Zhonghe3.3.2 Views of Newmark3.4 Summary of translation methods and the proposal4 Comparison between Chinese and English UTAS4.1 Comparison of title appellation terms4.1.1 Official rank appellation4.1.2 Technical post appellation4.1.3 Academic degree appellation4.2 Comparison of forms of address4.2.1 General comparison4.2.2 Theoretical bases for the study of forms of address4.2.3 Examples and analysis4.2.4 Unique features of forms of address in Chinese universities4.3 Briefly tracing their cultural differences4.3.1 The significance of learning culture4.3.2 Chinese culture vs. English or western culture5 A corpus based study of English UTA terms5.1 Collocation rules for those with the meaning of subsidiary5.1.1 The collocation rule for'Vice"5.1.2 The collocation rule for "executive"5.1.3 The collocation rule for "associate"5.1.4 The collocation rule for "assistant"5.1.5 The collocation rule for "deputy"5.1.6 The collocation rule for "under, pro- and adjunct"5.2 Analyzing the rules for the sequence of word order in collocation5.2.1 The co-occurrence of two words with the meaning of subsidiary5.2.2 The co-occurrence of a general modifier and one that means subsidiary5.2.3 The co-occurrence of two general modifiers6 Conclusion参考文献附录A攻读硕士学位期间发表学术论文情况致谢大连理工大学学位论文版权使用授权书
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标签:校园头衔称谓论文; 文化对比论文; 翻译论文;