AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 The Rationale and Research Questions of the Study1.2 Data Collection and Methodology1.3 The Layout of the ThesisChapter Two Deconstruction and Translation: Review of Literature2.1 Introduction2.2 A Review of Traditional Translation Thought2.2.1 Logocentrism2.2.2 Structuralism2.2.3 Traditional Translation Views2.3 Deconstruction: Translation in a New Perspective2.3.1 Introduction2.3.2 Essence of Deconstructive Translation Thoughts2.3.2.1 Deconstructing the Original2.3.2.2 Defférance2.3.2.3 Sur-vival2.3.3 Summary2.4 Implications and Limitations of Deconstructive Translation Thought2.4.1 Implications of Deconstructive Translation Views2.4.1.1 Challenges to the Traditional Translation Theories2.4.1.2 Enlightenments of the Thought2.4.2 Limitations of the Deconstruction Translation StrategyChapter Three Representatives of Deconstruction and Their Views on Translation3.1 Benjamin and his Deconstructive Translation Ideas3.2 Derrida’s Notion of Translation3.3 Venuti’s Deconstructive Perpective on Translation Strategy3.4 Chinese Scholars’Deconstructive Perpective on Translation StrategyChapter Four A Deconstructive Analysis of Treaties Signed by the Qing Government4.1 Treaties Signed by the Qing Government4.1.1 The Historical Background of Treaties Signed by the Qing Authorities4.1.2 The Formlating Processes of Treaties Signed by the Qing Regime4.1.3 Characteristics and Contents of Treaties Signed by the Qing Regime4.2 A Deconstructive Analysis of Treaties Signed by the Qing Government4.2.1 Deconstructive Translation Strategies in The Treaty of Nanking4.2.2 Deconstructive Translation Strategies in The Treaty of Wang-hea4.2.3 Deconstructive Translation Strategies in Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Amity and Commerce4.2.4 Deconstructive Translation Strategies in The Treaty of Tien-tsin4.4 Deconstructive Translation Strategies SummaryChapter Five ConclusionBibliography外交学院硕士研究生学位论文答辩委员会组成人员名单
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标签:解构主义论文; 清政府涉外条约论文; 解构主义翻译策略论文;