Abstract摘要Introduction0.1 Background of the Study0.2 Significance of the Study0.3 Organization of the StudyChapter One Review of Previous Studies1.1 Previous Studies of Bei-sentences1.1.1 Bei-sentence and Passive Sentence1.1.2 Characteristics of Predicate Verbs in Bei-sentences1.1.3 Part of Speech of Bei(被)1.1.4 Semantic Study1.2 Novel Usage of Bei-sentence and Current Study1.3 SummaryChapter Two Theoretical Foundations and Methodology2.1 Conceptual Blending Theory2.1.1 Theoretical Foundations of Conceptual Blending2.1.2 Conceptual Blending Networks2.1.3 Process of Conceptual Blending and Emergent Structure2.1.4 Optimality Principles2.1.5 Human Scale2.2 Methodology2.2.1 Data Collection2.2.2 Contrastive Analysis2.2.3 Case StudyChapter Three Contrastive Analysis of Novel Bei-sentences with Conventional Bei-sentences3.1 Syntactic Analysis of Conventional and Novel Bei-sentences3.1.1 Syntactic Analysis of Conventional Bei-sentences3.1.2 Syntactic Analysis of Novel Bei-sentences3.1.3 Contrastive Analysis3.2 Semantic Analysis of Conventional and Novel Bei-sentences3.2.1 Semantic Analysis of conventional Bei-sentences3.2.2 Semantic Analysis of Novel Bei-sentences3.2.3 Contrastive Analysis3.3 Pragmatic Occasions of Conventional and Novel Bei-sentencesChapter Four Semantic Construction of Novel Bei-sentences on the Internet4.1 Cognitive Interpretation4.1.1 Analysia from Conceptual Blending Perspective4.1.2 Analysis from Conceptual Metaphor Perspective4.1.3 Analysis from Subjectivity4.2 Social Interpretation4.3 Linguistic InterpretationConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:网络被字句论文; 对比分析论文; 语义构建论文; 概念合成论文; 社会文化论文;