摘要AbstractContentsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Review of Literature2.1 The Views of Metaphor2.1.1 Rhetoric View2.1.2 The Contemporary View of Metaphor2.2 Emotion2.2.1 Basic Emotions2.2.2 Emotion MetaphorChapter 3 Conceptual Metaphor3.1 Conceptual Metaphor and Metaphorical Expression3.2 Characteristics of Conceptual Metaphor3.2.1 Universality3.2.2 Systematicity3.3 Classification of Conceptual Metaphor3.3.1 Structural Metaphor3.3.2 Ontological Metaphor3.3.3 Orientational Metaphor3.4 Experiential Bases and Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor3.4.1 Experiential Bases3.4.2 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor3.5 MetonymyChapter 4 The Study of the Conceptual Metaphor of Emotions in English and Chinese4.1 HAPPINESS Metaphors in English and Chinese4.1.1 Similarities4.1.2 Differences4.2 ANGER Metaphors in English and Chinese4.2.1 Similarities4.2.2 Differences4.3 SADNESS Metaphors in English and Chinese4.3.1 Similarities4.3.2 Differences4.4 FEAR Metaphors in English and Chinese4.4.1 Similarities4.4.2 DifferencesChapter 5 The Analysis of Similarities and Differences of the Conceptual Metaphor of Emotions in English and Chinese5.1 Reason for Similarities: Shared Experience5.2 Reason for Differences: Cultural RelativityChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsPapers Published During the Study for M.A. Degree
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