摘要English AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Communicative Functions and Error Analysis of the Translation Of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Linguistic Level1.1 Three Communicative Functions in Tourism Text1.1.1 The Informative Function1.1.2 The Expresstive Function1.1.3 The Appellative Function1.2 Error Analysis of the Translation of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Linguistic Level1.2.1 Graphological Mistakes1.2.2 Grammatical Mistakes1.2.3 Semantic Mistakes1.2.4 Rhetorical Mistakes1.3 Suggested Translation Methods of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Linguistic Level1.3.1 Literal Translation1.3.2 OmissionChapter 2 Rules of Skopostheorie and Error Analysis of the Translation of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Pragmatic Level2.1 Basic Concepts of Skopostheorie2.1.1 Skopos, Aim, Purpose, Intention and Function2.1.2 Skopo Rule2.1.3 Translation Brief2.1.4 The Concept of Culture and Culture Specificity2.2 Error Analysis of Translation of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Pragmatic Level2.2.1 Unidiomatic Cultural Terms2.2.2 Unidiomatic Proper Names2.2.3 Chinglish2.3 Suggested Translation Methods of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Pragmatic Level2.3.1 Transliteration plus Explanation2.3.2 Paraphrase2.3.3 AmplificationChapter 3 Translational Action and Error Analysis of the Translation of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Cultural Level3.1 Translating and the Theory of Action3.1.1 Translating as Intentional Interaction3.1.2 Translating as Intercultural Action3.1.3 Translating as Interpersonal Interaction3.2 Error Analysis of Translation of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Cultural Level3.2.1 Misunderstanding of Source Language Culture3.2.2 Verbose and Pompous Diction3.2.3 Coverall Contents and Formal Style3.3 Suggested Translation Methods of Hunan Tourism Texts at a Cultural Level3.3.1 Addition3.3.2 Restructuring3.3.3 AnalogyConclusionWorks CitedAcknowledgementsInformative Chinese AbstractRésuméand Publications since Entering the Program
标签:旅游文本翻译论文; 交际功能论文; 目的论论文; 翻译行为论文; 错误分析论文;