AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要1.Introduction1.1 Research motivations and significance1.2 The Research data and methodology1.3 Organization of the thesis2.Theoretical framework2.1 The notion of text in SFG2.2 The Metafunctional theory2.2.1 Ideational metafunction2.2.1.1 Transitivity2.2.2 Interpersonal metafunction2.2.2.1 Mood2.2.2.2 Modality2.2.3 Textual metafunction2.2.3.1 Theme in declarative clauses2.2.3.2 Theme in interrogative clauses2.2.3.3 Theme in imperative clauses2.2.3.4 Multiple theme2.3 Context of situation3.TV news interview and data collection3.1 TV news interview3.1.1 Definition of TV news interview3.1.2 History of TV news interview3.1.3 Previous researches on TV news interview3.1.4 Features of TV news interview3.1.4.1 Conversational features3.1.4.2 Contextual features3.2 Data collection3.2.1 Data source and collecting criteria3.2.2 Data contents4.Data analysis4.1 The Opening and closing sections4.1.1 The opening4.1.2 The closing4.2 The main body4.2.1 Transitivity analysis4.2.1.1 The interviewer's language4.2.1.2 The interviewee's language4.2.1.3 Summary4.2.2 Mood system analysis4.2.2.1 Mood type analysis4.2.2.2 Subject and tense analysis4.2.2.3 Modality analysis4.2.2.4 Summary4.2.3 Theme analysis4.2.3.1 The interviewer's language4.2.3.2 The interviewee's language4.2.3.3 Summary5.Conclusion5.1 Summary of the study5.2 Limitations and suggestionsAppendixBibliography附件
标签:电视新闻访谈论文; 系统功能语法论文; 情景语境论文; 三大纯理功能论文;