摘要AbstractChapter I Introduction1.1 Background of the Research1.2 Lexical Chunk and L2 Lexical Chunk Acquisition1.3 The Significance of the Present Study1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter II Literature Review2.1 Lengthened Writing Approach2.1.1 Concepts of the Lengthened Writing Approach2.1.2 Low-stakes Writing2.1.3 Research on the Lengthened Wring Approach2.2 The Theories Related to the Lengthened Writing Approach2.2.1 Output Hypothesis2.2.1.1 Swain’s Comprehensible Output Hypothesis2.2.1.2 The Functions of Output2.2.1.3 The Research on Output Hypothesis2.2.1.4 Output Hypothesis and the Lengthened Writing Approach2.2.2 Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis2.2.2.1 Concepts of Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis2.2.2.2 Two Main Affective Factors in SLA2.2.2.3 The Low Affective Filter and the Lengthened Writing Approach2.2.3 Constructivism2.2.3.1 Concepts of Constructivism2.2.3.2 Types of constructivism2.2.3.3 The Implication of Constructivism on Pedagogy2.2.3.4 Constructivism and the Lengthened Writing Approach2.3 Lexical Chunk2.3.1 Categorization of Lexical Chunk2.3.2 The Advantages of Learning Lexical Chunk2.4 SummaryChapter III Methodology3.1 Design3.2 Subject3.3 Instruments3.4 Procedures3.5 Data collectionChapter IV Results and Discussion4.1 Hypothesis One4.2. Hypothesis Two4.3 Hypothesis ThreeChapter V Conclusion5.1 Summary of Findings and Conclusion5.2 Implications of the Study5.3 Limitations and Directions for Future StudyReferencesAppendix OneAppendix TwoAppendix ThreeAppendix FourAcknowledgements
标签:写长法论文; 语块论文; 二语语块习得论文; 实证研究论文;