论文题目: 口译中的预测现象和预测策略
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 英语语言文学
作者: 彭然
导师: 梅德明
关键词: 预测,策略,记忆,图式,跨文化
文献来源: 上海外国语大学
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 口译中的预测策略向来受到译员的普遍重视。在这篇论文中,作者从心理语言学的角度,以人类话语感知的普遍规律和著名的口译认知模型为依据,结合话语理解中人类短时记忆和长时记忆机制的作用,探讨了口译中预测行为的本质和依据及其与长时记忆中的知识存贮之间的关系。作者指出,预测的来源是话语理解过程中存在于工作记忆(短时记忆)中的认知语境,它由实际的语言输入和长时记忆中相关知识互相作用而形成,因此长时记忆中主要的知识存储方式——图式——对于预测策略的开展具有重要的指导作用。同时,人类的知识图式是在日常生活中逐渐积累形成的,因而会受到个人文化背景的影响。在使用知识图式指导预测策略的过程中,译员应当从跨文化的角度出发,努力收集相关信息以了解并模仿发言者的知识图式,从而在口译实践中达到更好的预测和理解效果。
摘 要
1. Introduction
2. Anticipation: a Cognitive Phenomenon
2.1 Three stages of the human language comprehension
2.2 The cognitive models of interpretation
2.2.1 “Anticipation in Comprehension”--- the Interpreting Theory of the Paris School
2.2.2 Possibility prediction --- the Chernov Model and the Kirchhoff Model
2.2.3 The two types of anticipation
2.3 The role of memory in the comprehension process of interpretation
2.3.1 Human memory and the perception of the surface structures of language on various levels
2.3.2 The working/short term memory
2.3.3 The long term memory
2.3.4 The Memory Model by Daro & Fabbro
2.4 Anticipation as a cognitive phenomenon
2.5 The overlooked areas inspiring for further discussion
3. Anticipation: an Interpretation Strategy
3.1 A definition of the anticipation strategy
3.2 The Knowledge schemata
3.3 The knowledge schemata-guided anticipation strategy
3.3.1 Language anticipation
3.3.2 Non-language anticipation Anticipation on the discourse structure Some basic genres Interpretation discourse: a combination of genres Anticipation on semantics In the beforehand preparation General background Personal information about the speaker During the interpretation
3.3.3 Interaction between language anticipation and non-language anticipation
3.3.4 Anticipation in different types of interpreting
4. Anticipation Strategy in the Interpretation as Intercultural Communication
4.1 Interpretation as cross-cultural communication
4.2 The interpreter’s role as a cross-cultural communicator
4.2.1 The multiple roles an interpreter acts as
4.2.2 The current focus concerning with the interpreter’s role as an intercultural communicator
4.3 Anticipation in an intercultural communicative way
4.3.1 The culture-sensitive knowledge schemata
4.3.2 Trying to imitate the speaker’s knowledge schemata in interpreting
4.3.3 Dealing with different types of knowledge schemata with a cross-cultural mind
4.3.4 Summary and suggestions for future discussion
5. Training Anticipation Strategy in the College Interpretation Classroom
5.1 The “compound bilingualism”among Chinese college foreign languages majors
5.2 Training the anticipation strategy
5.2.1 Thought-repeating and discourse-visualizing approaches inspired by the Paris School Repeating the speaker’s arrangement of thoughts Visualizing the discourses
5.2.2 Brainstorming
5.2.3 Selecting the right materials
5.3 Summary
6. Conclusion
发布时间: 2006-12-30
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