中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Definition of Listening and Listening Comprehension2.2 The Process of Listening Comprehension2.3 The Previous Study of Listening ComprehensionChapter Three The Schema Theory and Listening Teaching3.1 The Definition of the Schema Theory3.2 The Types of the Schema Theory3.2.1 Linguistic Schemata3.2.2 Formal Schemata3.2.3 Content Schemata3.3 The Modes of the Schema Theory3.3.1 Bottom-up Processing3.3.2 Top-down Processing3.3.3 Interactive Processing3.4 The Application of the Schema Theory to Listening Teaching3.4.1 Activating Existing Schemata3.4.2 Building New SchemataChapter Four The Experiment and Its Data-Analysis4.1 Hypotheses4.2 Subjects4.3 Materials4.4 Procedures4.4.1 Questionnaires4.4.2 Tests4.5 Data—analysisChapter Five Limitations of the Schema Theory in Its Application to Listening Teaching5.1 Linguistic Competence5.1.1 Phonetics5.1.2 Vocabulary5.1.3 Grammar5.2 Cultural Differences5.3 Listening Strategies5.4 Affective FactorsChapter Six Suggestions and Implications6.1 Development of Linguistic Competence6.2 Introduction of Cultural Background6.3 Instruction of Listening Strategies and Development of Good Listening Habits6.4 Activation of Students' Motivation and Reduction of Their High Learning AnxietyChapter Seven ConclusionReferencesAppendix A Questionnaire(1)Appendix B Questionnaire(2)Appendix C Test Paper(1)Appendix D Test Paper(2)Acknowledgements
标签:图式理论论文; 听力理解论文; 局限性论文;
论图式理论与英语听力教学 ——以福建中医学院学生为研究对象