AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Foreignization V.S domestication——two translation strategies2.1 Introduction to foreignization & domestication2.2 Debates on foreignization and domestication in translation theory2.3 SummaryChapter Three Introduction to Neologism in the English language3.1 Definition of neologism3.2 Sources of neologisms3.2.1 Science and technology3.2.2 Politics and economy3.2.3 People's social life3.3 Word formation of neologisms3.3.1 Compounding3.3.2 Derivation3.3.3 Conversion3.3.4 Initialisms/Acronyms3.3.5 Loan words3.3.6 Old words with new senses3.4 SummaryCHAPTER Four Arbitrariness of linguistics signs4.1 Introduction to Arbitrariness4.2 Interpretation of arbitrariness of linguistic signs4.3 Arbitrariness and Convention4.4 SummaryCHAPTER Five Foreignizing in the E-C translation of neologisms-From the perspective of arbitrariness5.1 Relationship between arbitrariness of linguistic signs and foreignizing strategy of translating neologisms5.1.1 Prerequisite of the relationship between arbitrariness of linguistic signs and foreignizing translation of neologisms5.1.1.1 When there is vocabulary blank between TL and SL.arbitrariness of linguistic signs becomes important5.1.1.2 When there is cultural conflict between TL and SL.arbitrariness of linguistic signs becomes important5.1.2 Relationship between the arbitrariness of linguistic signs and foreignizing strategy of translating neologisms5.2 Practices of foreignizing translation of English neologisms5.2.1 Neologisms of economy and politics and foreignizing translation5.2.2 Neologisms of varieties of lives and their foreignizing translation5.2.3 Neologisms of science and technology and foreignizing translationChapter Six ConclusionReferences
标签:英语新词论文; 汉译论文; 语言符号的任意性论文; 同化翻译论文; 异化翻译论文;