ABSTRACT中文摘要AcknowledgementChapter One INTRODUCTION1.1 Background1.2 The Research Questions of This Study1.3 Layout of the ThesisChapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Defining Recitation2.1.1 Comprehensibility and communication motivated2.1.2 Reading aloud and CAI resources2.2 Defining Oral Proficiency2.2.1 Definition of oral proficiency2.2.2 Difficulties in testing oral proficiency2.2.3 Major testing forms in oral proficiency2.2.4 Evaluation standards of oral proficiency2.2.4.1.Fluency and its measures2.2.4.2 Accuracy and its measures2.2.4.3 Complexity and its measures2.2.4.4 Oral testing forms and measures adopted in this study2.3 Related Empirical Studies on Reading Aloud2.3.1 Some research findings on reading aloud2.3.2 Limitations of the previous studies on reading aloud2.4 Related Empirical Studies on Reciting2.4.1 Controversial attitudes towards recitation2.4.2 Studies on the effects of recitation on English learning2.4.2.1 Some general studies2.4.2.2 Some empirical studiesChapter Three THEORETICAL BACKGROUD3.1 Production of Oral Speech3.1.1.Stage1:Forming ideas in mind3.1.2 Stage2:Formulating linguistic plans3.1.3 Stage3:Articulating3.1.4 Stage4:Self-monitoring3.1.5 Insights into Chinese college students' oral proficiency3.2 Linguistic Input3.2.1 Input relate hypothesis3.2.2 Input to intake3.2.3 Input and output3.2.4 Inspiration to Chinese learners3.3 Chunk Nature of English3.4 Memory from Cognitive Psychology3.4.1 Information processing model3.4.2 Relevance for oral language production3.5 Declare & Procedure knowledge and AutomaticityChapter four RESEARCH METHODOLOGY4.1 Research Subjects4.2 Research Instruments4.2.1 Vocabulary test 14.2.2 Vocabularv test 24.2.3 Pre-oral-test4.2.4 Post-oral-test4.2.5 Reciting test4.2.6 A questionnaire4.3 Data Collection4.3.1 Vocabulary test1and test 24.3.2 Pre-oral-test and post-oral-test4.3.3 Reciting test4.3.4 Questionnaire4.4 Data Analysis4.5 Research Results and Discussions4.5.1 Reciting and vocabularies4.5.2 The consistency effects of reciting on both vocabulary tests4.5.3 Reciting and Chinglish expressions4.5.4 Reciting and college students' oral English proficiency4.5.5 The relevance between reciting and oral proficiency4.5.6 Attitudes towards recitingChapter five CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS5.1 Implications5.2 Limitations of the Study5.3 Suggestions for Future StudyWork CitedAPPENDIXES Ⅰ:VOCABULARY TEST1APPENDIXES Ⅱ:VOCABULARY TEST2
标签:背诵论文; 口语能力论文; 块结构论文; 隐性知识论文; 显性知识论文;