摘要AbstractContentsList of Figures, Tables and ExtractsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview1.2 The Rationale of the Study1.3 Objectives of the Study1.4 Data and Methodology1.5 The Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Review of the Relevant Literature2.1 Introduction2.2 Previous Studies on Power Relations in the Courtroom2.3 Previous Studies on Control in Discourse2.3.1 Control in various fields2.3.2 Control in trials and police interrogations2.3.3 Model of control2.4 Other Approaches to Courtroom Question and Response2.4.1 Question-response as interactive reasoning2.4.2 Question-response as narratives2.5 Previous Studies on Discourse Structure2.5.1 Information flow2.5.2 Dialogue Macrogame Theory2.6 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Introduction3.2 The Definitions3.2.1 Information flow3.2.2 Process control3.3 Theoretical Background3.3.1 Power relations in China's court3.2.2 Information structure and information flow in legal discourse3.4 Theoretical Framework3.5 Procedures3.6 SummaryChapter 4 Linguistic Realization of Process Control4.1 Introduction4.2 Primary Control4.2.1 Procedural questions and substantive questions4.2.2 Controlling force relating to openness of questions4.3 Necessity of Process Control4.4 Control over the Question-response Process4.4.1 Anticipative control4.4.2 Follow-up control4.4.3 Combination of the two modes of control4.5 Unit of Information Flow during Process Control4.5.1 Advancement of Process4.5.2 Summary of entity4.5.3 Change of entity4.5.4 Addition of entity4.5.5 Replacement of Process by entity4.6 SummaryChapter 5 Mechanism of Process Control5.1 Introduction5.2 Structure of Anticipative Control5.2.1 Linear structure5.2.2 Hierarchical structure5.3 Structure of Follow-up Control5.3.1 Hierarchical structure5.3.2 Negative control5.3.3 Positive control5.4 SummaryChapter 6 Functions of Process Control6.1 Introduction6.2 Informational Function6.2.1 Change in patterns of flow6.2.2 Information increment6.3 Interpersonal Function6.3.1 Prosecutor's process control6.3.2 Defender's process control6.3.3 Judge's process control6.4 SummaryChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Summary of the Present Study7.2 Conclusions7.3 Implications7.4 Limitations7.5 Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAcknowledgements在学期间的科研成果及发表的论文
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标签:庭审问答论文; 过程控制论文; 信息流动论文;