Abstract摘要List of TablesList of AbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Review of the Literature2.1 Introduction2.2 Definitions and Classifications of Language Learning Strategies2.2.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies2.2.2 Classifications of Language Learning Strategies2.3 Studies on Language Learning Strategy Instruction2.3.1 Goals of Language Learning Strategy Instruction2.3.2 Frameworks for Language Learning Strategy Instruction2.3.3 Approaches to Language Learning Strategy Instruction2.3.4 Empirical Research on Language Learning Strategy Instruction2.4 Studies on Teachers in Language Learning Strategy Instruction2.4.1 Teacher Roles in Language Learning Strategy Instruction2.4.2 Influence of Teacher characteristics on Language Learning Strategy Instruction2.5 Research Gaps and Research Questions2.6 Chapter SummaryChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Participants3.3 Sources of Data3.3.1 Questionnaire3.3.2 Semi-structured Interviews3.4 Data Collection3.5 Data Analysis3.6 Chapter SummaryChapter 4 Results and Findings4.1 Introduction4.2 Frequencies of Language Learning Strategy Instruction4.3 Awareness of Language Learning Strategy Instruction4.4 Belief in Effectiveness of Language Learning Strategy Instruction4.5 Perceived Feasibility of Language Learning Strategy Instruction4.6 Correlations between Awareness of Language Learning Strategy and Frequencies of Language Learning Strategy Instruction4.7 Correlations between Belief in Effectiveness and Frequencies of Language Learning Strategy Instruction4.8 Correlations between Perceived Feasibility and Frequencies of LLS Instruction4.9 Teachers' Responses in Interviews4.9.1 Perceptions of Language Learning Strategies and Language Learning Strategy Instruction4.9.2 Language Learning Strategy Instruction in Practice4.9.3 Difficulties of Integrating Language Learning Strategy Instruction4.10 Chapter SummaryChapter 5 Discussion5.1 Introduction5.2 Moderate-to-High Awareness with Unsystematic Knowledge5.3 Moderate-to-Strong Belief in the Effectiveness of Language Learning Strategy Instruction5.4 Implicit-oriented and Integrative-oriented Instructional Approach5.5 The Most-often and Least-often Taught Language Learning Strategies5.6 Effect of Teacher Belief on Language Learning Strategy Instruction5.7 Feasibility of Language Learning Strategy Instruction5.7.1 Difficulties on the Part of Teachers5.7.2 Difficulties on the Part of Students5.7.3 Environmental Difficulties5.8 Chapter SummaryChapter 6 Pedagogical Implications6.1 Introduction6.2 Establishing a Matrix for LLS Training6.3 Providing Guiding Theories and Curriculum Dimensions6.4 Training Teachers to Be a Facilitator and a Strategy Trainer6.5 Chapter SummaryChapter 7 Conclusion,Limitations and Suggestions7.1 Summary of the Study7.2 Limitations and Suggestions of the StudyReferencesAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAppendix ⅤAppendix ⅥAppendix ⅦAppendix ⅧAcknowledgements学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
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标签:学习策略教学论文; 意识论文; 信念论文; 可行性论文; 学习策略训练矩阵论文;