摘要AbstractPart Ⅰ Introduction1.1. Introducing the Topic1.2 Research Background1.3 Research Significance and Objectives1.4 Outline of the ThesisPart Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Previous Research2.2 Specific Research2.3 Related Definition of Japanese and Chinese Homographs2.3.1 Definition of Kanji in Japanese2.3.2 Definition of Japanese and Chinese Homographs2.3.3 Features of Japanese and Chinese HomographsPart Ⅲ Theory of Memetics of Jap-CN Homographs3.1 Background of Memetics3.2 Theory of Memetics3.2.1 Relationship between Meme and Gene3.2.2 Definition of Memeplex3.2.3 Definition of Strong Meme and Weak Meme3.3 Theory of Memetics of Japanese and Chinese Homographs3.3.1 Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs3.3.2 Memeplex of Japanese and Chinese Homographs3.3.3 Strong Meme and Weak Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs3.4 Life-cycle of Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs3.4.1 Stages of Life-cycle of Meme3.4.2 Results of Life-cycle of MemePart Ⅳ Cultural Analysis on Japanese and Chinese Homographs Based on Memetics4.1 Analysis on Memetics from the Viewpoint of Cultural Evolution4.2 Cultural Features of Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs4.3 Cultural Analysis on Japanese and Chinese Homographs4.3.1 Cultural Analysis on Replication of Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs4.3.2 Cultural Analysis on Selection of Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs4.3.3 Cultural Analysis on Variation of Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs4.4 Cultural Interpretation of Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs4.5 Cultural Factors Attributed to Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs4.5.1 Objective Factors Attributed to Meme of Japanese and Chinese Homographs4.5.2 Subjective Factors Attributed to Meme of Japanese and Chinese HomographsPart Ⅴ Conclusion5.1 Summary of Research5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:日语汉字论文; 日汉同形字论文; 模因理论论文; 日本文化论文;