![Yemen’s International Trade: Status, Challenges and Obstacles](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/f049a60976e1e9ff609f2877.webp)
AcknowledgmentsAbstract中文摘要Chapter 1 Introduction and Study Model1.1 summarize1.2 Study importance1.3 Study problem & its Hypotheses1.3.1 The Study Problem1.3.2 The Study Hypothesis1.4 The study field and its purpose1.4.1 Study field1.4.2 Study purposes1.5 The study plan & method1.5.1 Study plan1.5.2 Study methodChapter 2 the Current Situation2.1 The present foreign trade of YEMEN2.2 The Trade Balance and External Trade Volume2.3 The general indices for external trade improvement2.4 Relative importance of the economic sectors (exports and imports)2.5 The goods (exports and imports) volume and structure2.6 Yemen External Trading Trends2.6.1 Transactions Trends with the international groups 2005:2.6.2 The framework of Exports at countries levelChapter 3 Challenges and Obstacles of Exports Activity3.1 Obstacles and Internal Challenges3.1.1The weakness of the economic structure3.1.2 The absence of strategic planning (abroad way)3.1.3 Increasing the Population3.1.4 Failure of some complex economic policies & procedures related to exports3.2 The infrastructure of the exports3.3 obstacles and challenges related to the external environment3.3.1 The challenges related to the capability of getting into external markets3.3.2 Challenges & obstacles related to the private sector competition abilityChapter 4 Conclusion & Recommendations4.1 The Results4.2 RecommendationsReferences
标签:对外贸易论文; 国外市场论文; 经济政策论文;
Yemen’s International Trade: Status, Challenges and Obstacles