摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Study on Address Terms in Hong Lou Meng1.1 Address Terms in Hong Lou Meng with Fixed Distance:Kinship Terms and Social Terms1.1.1 Kinship Terms1.1.2 Social Terms1.2 Address Terms in Hong Lou Meng with Unfixed Distance: Emotional Terms1.2.1 Positive Terms:Honorary Terms,Teasing Terms,Intimate Terms and Modest Terms1.2.2 Neutral Terms:General Terms1.2.3 Negative Terms:Conceited Terms,Contemptuous Terms and Cursing Terms1.3 Features of Address Terms in Hong Lou MengChapter 2 Context Theory:Theoretical Framework of the Analysis ofAddress Term Translation in Hong Lou Meng2.1 Context Theory2.1.1 Linguistic Context2.1.2 Situational Context2.1.2.1 Field2.1.2.2 Tenor2.1.2.3 Mode2.1.3 Cultural Context2.2 Relationship between Context and Translation2.2.1 Source Context2.2.2 Target Context2.2.3 Striving to Construct Equivalent Context2.3 Context:An Undeniable Factor in Address Term TranslationChapter 3 Application of Context Theory in Analyzing Address TermTranslation in Hong Lou Meng3.1 Linguistic Context and Address Term Translation3.1.1 Former Terms3.1.2 Terms with Slight Change3.1.3 Abbreviation3.1.4 Indirect Use3.2 Situational Context and Address Term Translation3.2.1 Field and Its Effects on Translation3.2.1.1 Time Change3.2.1.2 Spatial Difference:Presence/Absence of the Addressee3.2.1.3 Subject Matter3.2.2 Tenor and Its Effects on Translation3.2.2.1 Permanent Distance between the Addresser and Addressee:Nature of the Participants3.2.2.2 Temporary Distance between the Addresser and Addressee:Change of Mood and Communication Purpose3.2.3 Mode and Its Effects on Translation3.2.3.1 Oral Form and Written Form3.2.3.2 Rhetoric Effects3.3 Cultural Context and Address Term Translation3.3.1 Historical Factor:Influences of Classic Works and Idioms3.3.2 Customary Factor:Habitual Ways of Expression3.3.3 Religious Factor:Influences of Buddhism and Taoism3.3.4 Social Factor:Official Titles in the Feudal SocietyChapter 4 Translation Methods of Address Terms in Hong LouMeng4.1 Literal Translation4.1.1 Transliteration4.1.2 Literal Translation with Notes4.2 Free Translation4.2.1 Amplification4.2.2 Omission4.2.3 ConversionConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要的研究成果目录
标签:语境理论论文; 称谓语论文; 红楼梦论文; 翻译论文;