AcknowledgementsAbstractAbstract(Chinese)List of TablesList of FiguresChapter One Introduction1.1 Language Reporting and Speech Reporting1.1.1 Language reporting1.1.2 Toward a definition of speech reporting1.2 A Brief Literature Review1.2.1 Kinds of reported speech1.2.2 Linguistic approaches to reported speech1.2.3 Pragmatic approaches to speech reporting1.2.4 Speech reporting in discourse1.3 General Aims of the Current Research1.4 Data Used for Analysis1.5 SummaryChapter Two Discourse Roles in Speech Reporting2.1 Introduction2.2 Role Relations in Discourse2.2.1 Producer roles & receiver roles2.2.2 Discourse roles in speech reporting2.3 Identifying the Role of Author2.3.1 Author in the message-introducer2.3.1.1 Individual as an author2.3.1.2 Institution as an author2.3.1.3 Non-human as an author2.3.1.4 Community2.3.2 Absence of the author role in the message-introducer2.3.3 Imaginary author2.3.3.1 A potential author2.3.3.2 An author unable to talk2.3.3.3 Role-play2.4 Marked Roles in Speech Reporting2.4.1 Mouthpiece2.4.2 Spokesperson2.4.3 Reporter2.5 SummaryChapter Three Conversational Structures of Speech Reporting3.1 Introduction3.2 Types of Initiation3.2.1 Reporting invited by the hearer3.2.2 Reporting invited by the Hearer-author3.2.3 Self-initiation3.3 Presenting Message and Message-introducer in Conversation3.3.1 Message and message-introducer in the same turn3.3.2 Message and Message-introducer in the separate turns3.3.2.1 Hearer's denying the truth of the message3.3.2.2 Hearer's questioning the identity of the author3.3.2.3 Hearer's resisting the speech reporting3.4 SummaryChapter Four Speaker's Strategies in Self-initiated Speech Reporting4.1 Introduction4.2 Communicative Functions of Speech Reporting4.2.1 Speech reporting for evidence4.2.2 Speech reporting for persuasion4.2.3 Speech reporting for reducing responsibility4.3 Speaker's Strategies of Manipulating Author and Hearer Relationship4.3.1 Manipulating the author's power over the hearer4.3.2 The overlapping roles of author and hearer4.3.3 Ventriloquizing —imitating the way the author speaks4.4 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary of Major Findings5.2 Limitations of This Study5.3 Suggestions for Further StudiesAppendixBibliography
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标签:言语转述论文; 话语角色论文; 会话结构论文; 语用策略论文;