AcknowledgementsAbstract (English Version)中文摘要(Chinese Version)Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Forest—the Harmony of the Primitive LifeⅠ. The invitation of the harmony of the primitive life in the wildⅡ. The inharmoniousness of the rigid Puritan atmosphere with human natureⅢ. People compelled to the wild for the harmony of human natureⅣ. Pearl—the fruit of the harmony of pure human natureChapter Three Forest—the Harmony of the Outside and InsideⅠ. Hester's natural beauty restored in the forestⅡ. Hester's dignity as a woman restored in the forestⅢ. Dimmesdale's cowardice in nature restored in the forestⅣ.The real identity of the disguised characters restored in the forestChapter Four Forest—the Harmony of Maturation in BothPhysicality and MindⅠ. The free space in the forest for Hester to speculate and maturate in mindⅡ. The free space in the forest for Dimmesdale to see through the essenceof Puritan redemptionⅢ. Dimmesdale's mind enlightened in the forest on the verge of his deathChapter Five Forest—the harmony of God, Man and NatureⅠ. The inharmonious relation between God and Man in the Puritan societyⅡ. The harmonious relation between God and Man in the forestⅢ. Nature—the concrete appearance of GodChapter Six Forest—the harmony of Utopian freedomⅠ. Forest—the symbol of Utopian freedom at the very beginningⅡ. Forest—the harmony of Utopian freedom in the eyes ofthe transcendentalistsⅢ. Forest—an ideal Utopian society under Hawthorne's penⅣ. Forest—the proper place for the reformers to carryout their Utopian ideasChapter Seven ConclusionWorks ConsultedAcademic Papers Published
- [1].清教背景下霍桑在《红字》中的女权主义意识探析[J]. 科技信息 2011(16)
标签:清教社会论文; 人性论文; 超验主义论文; 和谐论文; 乌托邦式的自由论文;