指示语被广泛应用到语言哲学、语用学、语义学和心理语言学领域,目前是语用学研究的一个重要课题。指示是指称的一种,用来指向与某一特定语境有关的人、物、时间、地点、过程和社会关系等。指示语理论常被用来分析文学、影视对白、日常交流等对话类型的话语,但是很少涉及法律等正式文本,几乎没有用来分析合同语言。本文试将指示语理论应用到中英文合同文本当中。根据指示语的定义、本质特征及功能,找出合同文本中的指示词语。根据这些词语是否被作为指示语进行专门研究过,将指示语分为两大类。一类是没有或很少被作为指示语进行专门研究过的,主要包括“Part A/甲方”、“Part B/乙方”以及其它类似的称呼,“hereinafter”和“whereof”等山“here”、“there”和“where”等词与一个或几个介词构成的古体词,以及“thiscontract/本合同”等;第二类为那些在论文、专著或者其他文献中讨论过的指示语,如人称指示语中的第一人称和第三人称指示语,篇章指示语中的“as follows/如下”、“below/下列”、“according to/按照”等。本文着重论证讨论第一类指示语:对于第二类指示语,将对其中典型的指示语进行讨论和分析;对其他的简单介绍。然后,对合同中指示语的类属及其语境的特殊性进行分析并得出下述结论。合同中指示语的类属情况:人称指示语使用较少。其中第三人称使用最多,最为频繁;第一人称偶尔用,第二人称几乎不用。合同中的时间指示语相对少得多。社交指示语数甲方乙方最为典型。地点指示语几乎不用。合同中指示语的特殊语境:把合同双方当事人看作一个整体,共同构成合同中指示语的指示中心,这样,这个指示中心的距离与合同双方的距离相等,体现合同中当事人在法律地位上的平等。
AcknowledgementAbstract(English)Abstract(Chinese)Chapter One Introduction1.1 A Review of the Study of Deixis1.2 The Linguistic Study of Contract1.3 The Objectives of the Study1.4 An Overview and Methodology of the StudyChapter Two Definition,Characteristics,Pragmatic Functions and Classification of Deixis2.1 The Definition of Deixis2.1.1 The Term "Deixis" and Related Words or Phrases2.1.2 Different Definitions of Deixis2.1.3 The Philosophic Study of Deixis2.2 Classifications of Deixis2.2.1 Pure and Impure Deixis2.2.2 Primary Deixis and Secondary Deixis2.3 Person,Time,Place,Discourse and Social Diexis2.3.1 Person Deixis2.3.2 Place Deixis2.3.3 Time Deixis2.3.4 Discourse Deixis2.3.5 Social Deixis2.4 The Characteristics of Deixis2.5 The Pragmatic Functions of Deixis2.6 The Summary of Theory of DeixisChapter Three Contract and Its Requirements for the Language of Contracts3.1 The Functions and Styles of Contracts3.2 The Requirements for the Language in Contracts3.2.1 Clarity3.2.2 Conciseness3.2.3 Completeness3.3 Linguistic Study on the Features of Language in Contracts3.3.1 Lexical Features3.3.2 Syntactic Features3.3.3 Discourse Features3.3.4 Other Features of Legal Usage of Language in ContractsChapter Four Deixis in Contracts4.1 The Deictic Expressions in Contracts4.2 The Deictic Expressions in Contracts That Have Seldom or Not Been Studied as Deixis4.2.1 "Party A","Party B" and Similar Expressions4.2.2.A Summary of Findings4.2.3 The Archaisms Composed of "Here","There" and "Where" Followed by Prepositions4.2.4 Other Deixis that Mainly Owned by Contracts4.3 The Deictic Expressions That Have Been Studied4.3.1 "This" Versus "That" And "These" Versus "Those" in Contracts4.3.2 "The" in Contracts4.3.3 The Third Personal Pronouns in Contracts4.4 Contexts for Deixis in Contracts4.5 Characteristics of Deixis in Contracts4.5.1 Person Deixis in Contracts4.5.2 Discourse Deixis in Contracts4.5.3 Time and Place Deixis in Contracts4.4.4 Social Deixis in Contracts4.5.5 Impure and Secondary Deixis in Contracts4.6 A Summary of Deixis in ContractsChapter Five Conclusion5.1 A Summary of the Research5.2 Major Findings5.3 LimitationsBibliography
标签:指示语论文; 合同文本论文; 指示词语论文; 特殊性论文; 语境论文;