中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 Background and orientation of the study1.2 The layout of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The role of grammar in language teaching2.2 The role of task-based teaching approach in language teaching2.2.1 Characteristics of task-based language teaching2.2.2 Task selection and designing2.2.3 Task types2.3 Theoretical support of task-based approach in grammar teachingChapter Three Models of Grammar Teaching3.1 Current grammar teaching models3.2 Criteria to judge the efficiency of grammar teaching3.3 Status-quo of English grammar teaching in mountainous schools3.4 DiscussionChapter Four A Case Study4.1 The purpose of the experiment4.2 The beginning of the experiment4.3 The implementing of the experiment4.3.1 Brief introduction to the high school where I work and subjects4.3.2 Teaching materials used for the experiment4.3.3 A teaching plan for a task-based grammar lesson4.3.4 Tests used for the experiment4.4 The end of the experiment4.5 ConclusionChapter Five Conclusion5.1 The major finding5.2 Some other findings5.3 Limitations and areas for further researchReferencesAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:任务型教学法论文; 语法教学论文; 高中英语论文; 山区中学论文;
高中英语语法教学的有效途径 ——基于山区中学的任务型英语语法教学研究