Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Literature Review1.2 General StatementChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 Conversational Analysis2.1.1 Regularities of Turn Taking2.1.2 Adjacency Pairs2.1.3 Preferred Option2.1.4 The Significance of Silence2.2 Speech Act Theory2.2.1 Locutionary Act, Illocutionary Act and Perlocutionary Act2.2.2 Direct Speech Act2.2.3 Indirect Speech ActChapter Three The Dumb Waiter—Male Conflict for Identity and Dominance.3.1 From the Perspective of Conversational Analysis3.1.1 Topic Management—a Weapon for Identity and Control3.1.2 The Significance of Silence3.2 From the Perspective of Speech Act Theory3.2.1 Direct Speech Acts and Indirect Speech Acts3.3 SummaryChapter Four The Room—Male Dominance Over Females4.1 The Significance of Silence4.2 Tautology—the Effete Discourse4.2.1 Classification of Rose’s Tautology4.2.2 From the Perspective of Speech Act Theory4.3 Male Dominance over Females4.4 SummaryChapter Five The Homecoming—Female Struggle and Dominance over Males 5.1 Analysis of Discourse Conflict Between Teddy and Ruth 5.1.1 Teddy’s Discourse Stratagems from the Perspective of Conversational Analysis 5.1.2 Ruth’s Discourse Stratagems from the Perspective of Conversational Analysis 5.2 Analysis of Discourse Conflict Between Lenny and Ruth 5.2.1 From the Perspective of Conversational Analysis 5.2.2 From the Perspective of Speech Act Theory 5.3 SummaryChapter Six ConclusionBibliographyAppendix
标签:话语冲突论文; 会话分析论文; 言语行为论文; 戏剧文体学论文; 送菜升降机论文; 房间论文; 回家论文;
品特戏剧中的话语冲突 ——对《送菜升降机》《房间》和《回家》的话语分析