致谢摘要Abstract1 引言生态:高等教育研究的新视角1.1 问题的缘起(Origin of the Issues)1.2 研究背景(Research Background)1.2.1 高等教育大众化(Popularization of Higher Education)1.2.2 经济改革对高等教育改革的推动(Promotion of Economic Reform to Higher Education Reform)1.2.3 生态思潮的兴起和生态研究方法的广泛运用(Rising of Ecological Thoughts and the Widespred Application of Ecological Methods)1.3 相关研究动态(Relavent Research Dynamic)1.3.1 国外相关研究动态(Overseas Relavent Research Dynamic)1.3.2 国内相关研究动态(Domestic Relevant Research Dynamic)1.3.3 教育生态研究动态(Education Ecology Research Dynamic)1.4 研究目标(Research Objectives)1.4.1 丰富高等教育研究领域(Enriching Higher Education Research Area)1.4.2 促进苏北高等教育和谐发展(Promoting the Harmonious Development of Northern Jiang Su Higher Education)1.5 研究方法(Research Approach)1.5.1 文献研究法(Literature Method)1.5.2 生态学方法(Ecological Method)1.5.3 实证分析法(Empirical Analysis Method)1.6 研究技术路线(Research Technical Route)1.7 研究意义(Research Significance)1.7.1 理论意义(Theoretical Significance)1.7.2 实践意义(Practical Significance)2 高等教育资源与高等教育生态2.1 资源及其配置理论(Resources and Its Allocation Theory)2.1.1 资源概念和特征(Concept and Characteristics of Resource2.1.2 资源配置理论(Theory of Resources Allocation)2.2 高等教育资源概念(Concept of Higher Education Resources)2.2.1 高等教育资源概念的涵义(Implication of Higher Education Resources Concept)2.2.2 高等教育资源的特征(Characteristics of Higher Education Resources)2.3 高等教育资源的分类(Classification of Higher Education Resources)2.3.1 人才资源(Talent Resources)2.3.2 物力资源(Material Resources)2.3.3 文化资源(Cultural Resources)2.4 生态学与教育生态学(Ecology and Education Ecology)2.4.1 生态学及其发展(Ecology and Its Development)2.4.2 生态学规律与原理(Ecology Laws and Principles)2.4.3 教育生态学研究及其进展(Educational Ecology Research and Its Progress)2.5 高等教育生态观(Higher Education Ecology Views)2.5.1 高等教育生态系统观(Higher Education Ecosystem View)2.5.2 高等教育生态整体观(Higher Education Ecology Total Perspective)2.5.3 高等教育生态平衡观(Higher Education Ecological Equilibrium View)2.5.4 高等教育生态调控观(Higher Education Ecology Regulation View)2.6 高等教育资源的生态观照(Ecological Contemplation to Higher Education Resources)2.6.1 人才资源与高等教育生态(Talent Resources and Higher Education Ecology)2.6.2 物力资源与高等教育生态(Material Resources and Higher Education Ecology)2.6.3 文化资源与高等教育生态(Cultural Resources and Higher Education Ecology)3 高等教育资源配置状况与分析3.1 建国以来高等教育资源配置方式介绍(Introduction to the Way of Allocation of Higher Education Resources since the Foundation of New China)3.1.1 建国至改革开放期间的高等教育资源配置(Allocation of Higher Education Resources from the Foundation of New China to the Beginning of Reform and Opening up)3.1.2 改革开放至今的高等教育资源配置(Allocation of Higher Education Resources from Reform and Opening up till Present)3.2 对计划和市场两种高等教育资源配置方式的分析(Analysis to Plan-oriented Allocation and Market-orineted Allocation of Higher Education Resources)3.2.1 计划配置方式分析(Analysis to Plan-oriented Allocation)3.2.2 市场配置方式分析(Analysis to Market-oriented Allocation)3.3 计划和市场两种配置方式下的高等教育文化资源(Cultural Resources of Higher Education under the Plan-oriented Allocation and Market-oriented Allocation)3.3.1 计划体制下的高等教育文化资源(Cultural Resources of Higher Education under Plan-oriented System)3.3.2 市场体制下的高等教育文化资源(Cultural Resources of Higher Education under Market-oriented System)4 高等教育资源的生态化配置与培植4.1 高等教育资源生态化配置与培植的依据与特点(The Basis and Characteristics of Higher Education Resources’Ecological Allocation and Cultivation)4.1.1 高等教育资源生态化配置与培植的依据(The Basis of Higher Education Resources’Ecological Allocation)4.1.2 高等教育资源生态化配置与培植的特点(The Characteristics of Higher Education Resources’Ecological Allocation and Cultivation)4.2 人才资源的生态化配置(Ecological Allocation of Talent Resources)4.2.1 教师资源的生态位分层配置(Allocate Teacher Resources Based on Niche)4.2.2 学生资源的生态位分层配置(Allocate Student Resources Based on Niche)4.3 物力资源的生态化配置(Ecological Allocation of Material Resources)4.3.1 纵向生态位分层配置(Allocate Material Resources Based on Longitudinal Niche Hierarchy)4.3.2 横向生态多样化竞争配置(Allocate Material Resources Based on Lateral Ecological Diversified Competition)4.4 文化资源的生态化培植(Ecological Cultivation of Cultural Resources)4.4.1 精英高等教育文化资源的培植(Cultivation of Elite Highe Higher Education Cultural Resources)4.4.2 大众高等教育文化资源的培植(Cultivation of Mass Higher Education Cultural Resources)5 苏北高等教育资源的生态化配置与培植研究5.1 苏北地区经济、社会与高等教育发展概况(Survey of Economy and Society and Higher Education Development of Northern Jiang Su)5.2 基于DEA的苏北高等教育资源配置效率分析(Allocation Efficiency Analysis of Northern Jiang Su Higher Education Resources Based on DEA)5.2.1 评价对象的选取(Appraisal Object Selection)5.2.2 DEA 简介(DEA Synopsis)5.2.3 数据处理与分析(Data Processing and Analysis)5.3 苏北高等教育资源的生态化配置与培植(Allocation and Cultivation of Higher Education Resources from an Ecology-oriented Perspective in Northern Jiang Su)6 结语6.1 结论(Conclusions)6.2 本研究的创新之处(Innovation of Thesis)6.3 不足之处与研究展望(Research Forecast)参考文献作者简历学位论文数据集附录
标签:高等教育资源论文; 生态化论文; 配置论文; 培植论文;