摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Company Background1.2 Purpose of the Study1.3 Ideas of the Study1.4 Methods of the Study1.4.1 Interview1.4.2 Literature Research1.4.3 Factor AnalysisChapter 2 Study of FEX Corp.’s Present Situation2.1 Present Situation Arrangement and Analysis2.1.1 Strategic Objectives and Market Position2.1.2 Existing Organizational Structure2.1.3 Apparent Problems2.2 Organizational Structure and Salary System Design RequirementsChapter 3 Organizational Structure Optimization3.1 Theory about Organizational Structure3.1.1 Types of Organizational Structures3.1.2 Organizational Structure Determinant Factors3.2 Present Organizational Structure Study3.3 Organizational Structure Optimization and Control Mode Design3.4 Definition Departments ResponsibilityChapter 4 Salary and Performance Appraisal System Design4.1 Theory about Salary Structure4.1.1 Broadbanding Salary Structure4.1.2 Job Evaluation4.2 Salary System for Future Organizational Structure4.2.1 Present Salary System4.2.2 Salary System Design4.3 Performance Appraisal Policy in Salary SystemChapter 5 Conclusion and Implementation Advice5.1 Conclusion5.2 Advice for ImplementationREFERENCESAPPENDIX 1APPENDIX 2APPENDIX 3APPENDIX 4APPENDIX 5APPENDIX 6APPENDIX 7APPENDIX 8APPENDIX 9APPENDIX 10APPENDIX 11ACKNOWLEDGEMENTPublished Paper during the Study of MBA Degree
标签:组织设计论文; 薪酬管理论文; 宽带薪酬论文; 绩效管理论文;