Acknowledgements摘要Abstract1. Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Methods of the Study1.3 Significance of the Study1.4 Structure of the Thesis2. Literature Review2.1 Approaches to the Study of Metaphor2.1.1 Traditional Approach2.1.2 Cognitive Approach2.2 Conceptual Metaphor2.2.1 Classification of Conceptual Metaphor2.2.2 Conceptual Metaphor and Religion2.2.3 Conceptual Metaphor and Idioms2.3 Studies Abroad and at Home2.3.1 Studies Abroad2.3.2 Studies at Home3. Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in Buddhist and Biblical Idioms3.1 Categories of Conceptual Metaphor in the Data3.1.1 Virtue and Sin Metaphor3.1.2 Bless and Curse Metaphor3.1.3 Relief Metaphor3.1.4 Plant Metaphor3.1.5 Animal Metaphor3.1.6 Body Metaphor3.1.7 Culture Metaphor3.2 Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors3.2.1 Statistics on Conceptual Metaphors3.2.2 Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors4. Religious Metaphors and Culture4.1 Cultural Coherence of Metaphorical Concept in Religion4.2 Ideological Differences in Chinese and English Religious Idioms4.2.1 Hierarchy and Equality4.2.2 Doctrine of Good Human Nature and Original Sins4.2.3 Pray Diction in Buddhism and Christianity4.3 Connotative Difference in Chinese and English Religious Idioms5. Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Limitations5.3 Future ResearchBibliographyAppendix
标签:佛经论文; 圣经论文; 习语论文; 概念隐喻论文; 文化差异论文;