ABSTRACT中文摘要ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSChapter One INTRODUCTION1.1 The Background to the Study1.2 Literature Review1.3 Objectives of the Thesis1.4 Significance of the Thesis1.4.1 Practical significance1.4.2 Theoretical significance1.5 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two A GENERAL SURVEY OF BRAND NAME2.1 Definitions of Brand and Brand Name2.2 Basic Principles for Designing Brand Names2.2.1 The "KISS" principle2.2.2 The novelty principle2.2.3 The readability principle2.3 Functions of Brand Names2.3.1 Distinguishing products2.3.2 Providing information2.3.3 Advertising function2.3.4 Stimulating consumption2.3.5 Ensuring quality2.4 Formation of Brand Names2.4.1 Proper name used as brand name2.4.2 Common word used as brand name2.4.3 Coined word used as brand nameChapter Three FUNCTIONALIST APPROACHES TO TRANSLATION AND THE ENLIGHTENMENT ON BRAND NAME TRANSLATION3.1 Development of Functionalist Approaches3.1.1 Katharina Reiss and the functionalist translation criticism3.1.2 Vermeer and Skopostheorie3.1.3 Holz-Manttari and the theory of translational action3.1.4 Nord's function-plus-loyalty model3.2 Major Concepts in Functionalist Approaches3.2.1 Translating as intentional interaction3.2.2 Translating as interpersonal interaction3.2.3 Translating as a communicative action3.2.4 Translating as intercultural action3.2.5 Translating as a text-processing action3.2.6 Translation brief3.2.7 Three rules of Skopostheorie3.2.7.1 Skopos rule3.2.7.2 Coherence rule and fidelity rule3.3 The Enlightenment of Functionalist Approaches on Brand Name Translation3.3.1 Role of the source text3.3.2 Role of the translator3.3.3 Role of the target receiver3.3.4 Cross-cultural awarenessChapter Four BRAND NAME TRANSLATION IN LIGHT OF FUNCTIONALIST APPROACHES4.1 Principles of Brand Name Translation4.1.1 Principle of target-culture orientation4.1.1.1 Orienting to the values of the target culture4.1.1.2 Orienting to the target religion4.1.1.3 Orienting to preference for different animals words4.1.1.4 Orienting to preference for different colors4.1.1.5 Orienting to preference for numbers4.1.2 Principle of target-consumer orientation4.1.2.1 Orienting to consumers' needs4.1.2.2 Orienting to consumers' feelings4.1.2.3 Orienting to consumers' gender4.1.2.4 Orienting to consumers' age4.2 Methods of Translating Brand Names4.2.1 Transliteration4.2.2 Literal translation4.2.3 Free translation4.2.4 Mixed translation4.2.5 Communicative translation4.2.6 Creative translation4.2.7 Zero translationChapter Five CONCLUSION5.1 Summary5.2 LimitationsWORKS CITED
标签:品牌名称翻译论文; 功能翻译理论论文; 目的论文; 消费者论文; 文化论文;