摘要AbstractCONTENTSLIST OF TABLES AND FIGURESChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview1.2 Rationale and significance of the present study1.3 Research objectives and specific research questions1.4 Data collection and research methodology1.5 Outline of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Terminological issues2.2 Historical overview of vagueness2.2.1 Philosophical perspective of vagueness2.2.2 Semantic perspective of vagueness2.2.3 Psychological perspective of vagueness2.2.4 Pragmatic perspective of vagueness2.3 The study of language in stock comments2.3.1 Stylistic perspective of language in stock comments2.3.2 Cultural perspective of language in stock comments2.3.3 A critique of previous studies of stock comments2.4 SummaryChapter3 Theoretical Framework3.1 The working definition of pragmatic vagueness3.2 The Theory of Linguistic Adaptation3.2.1 Making linguistic choice3.2.2 The three properties of language choice-making3.2.3 Four aspects of investigation3.3 An adaptative-theoretical based account of vagueness3.3.1 Vagueness as adaptation to contextual correlates3.3.2 Vagueness as adaptation to structural objects3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Vagueness as Adaptation to Contextual Correlates4.1 The influence of language users on vagueness in stock comments4.1.1 Stock analysts' inability to be precise4.1.2 Stock analysts' unwillingness to be precise4.2 The influence of social world on vagueness in stock comments4.2.1 Stock comments' relationship with stock analysts4.2.2 Stock comments' relationship with stock market4.3 The influence of physical world on vagueness in stock comments4.3.1 Vagueness in Stock Forecasts4.3.2 Vagueness in Stock Summaries4.4 The influence of mental world on vagueness in stock comments4.4.1 Persuading investors4.4.2 Protecting the stock analysts4.4.3 Withholding information deliberately4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Vagueness as Adaptation to Structural Objects5.1 Lexical device as a means of achieving vagueness5.1.1 Adjectives5.1.2 Verbs5.1.3 Adverbs5.1.4 Numerals5.2 Pragmatic device as a means of achieving vagueness5.2.1 Hedges5.2.2 Modality5.2.3 Deixis5.2.4 Concluding remarks5.3 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Implications6.3 Limitations of the study6.4 Suggestions for further studyBibliographyACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAppendix
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标签:语用模糊论文; 股票评论论文; 语境论文; 结构论文;