![基于语料库的译者风格考察 ——以《茶馆》的两个英译本为个案分析](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/f5e973026e279ce6e672c311.webp)
AcknowledgmentsAbstract摘要Abbreviations and their Full NamesList of tables,Charts and FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Motivation1.2 A Brief Introduction to Cha Guan and Its English Versions1.3 Research Methods of This Thesis1.4 The Organization of This ThesisChapter 2 Theoretical Foundation of This Thesis2.1 Descriptive Translation Studies2.1.1 Holmes's Map of Translation Studies2.1.2 Toury's Descriptive Translation Studies2.2 Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies2.2.1 History and Development of Corpus Linguistics2.2.2 Corpus Types and Its Applications2.2.3 Theories of Corpus-based Translation Studies2.2.4 Application Values of Corpus-based Translation Studies2.2.4.1 Studies on Universals of Translation2.2.4.2 Studies on the Style of a Translator2.2.4.3 Translation Practice2.2.4.4 Translator Education2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Investigation of the Style of a Translator:Corpus-based Approach vs Traditional Approach3.1 Style in Translation3.2 Definition of the Style of a Translator3.3 Invisibility of the Style of a Translator3.4 Visibility of the Style of a Translator3.5 Methods in Investigating the Style of a Translator3.5.1 Traditional Approach—A Qualitative Analysis3.5.2 Corpus-based Approach—A Combination of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis3.6 SummaryChapter 4 A Case Study of Corpus-based Approach to the Styles of the Two Translators of Cha Guan4.1 Research Objectives of this Case Study4.2 Research Method of this Case Study4.3 Research Procedures of This Case Study4.3.1 Corpus Compilation4.3.1.1 Corpus Design and Text Collection4.3.1.2 Corpora Tagging4.3.2 Corpus Retrieval4.4 Corpus Analysis of the Styles of the Two Translators4.4.1 Comparative Study at the Lexical level4.4.1.1 Ratio between Word Tokens and Word Types4.4.1.2 Lexical Density4.4.1.4 Word Distribution4.4.1.5 Statistical Study of the Top 30 Words in Two Versions4.4.2 Comparative Study at the Syntactic Level4.4.2.1.Mean Sentence Length of Conversations in YVC and HVC4.4.2.2 Complex Sentences4.4.2.3 Contraction Patterns4.4.2.4 Punctuation Marks4.4.3 Comparative Study at the Textual Level4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of This Thesis5.2 Implications of the Present Research5.3 Limitations of the Present ResearchNotesBibliographyAppendix 攻读学位期间发表论文目录
标签:语料库论文; 描写翻译研究论文; 译者风格论文; 茶馆论文;
基于语料库的译者风格考察 ——以《茶馆》的两个英译本为个案分析