摘要ABSTRACTChapter One Introduction1.1 Rationale of the Present Study1.2 Problems with the Existing Studies1.3 Objectives of the Present Study1.4 Methodology1.5 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Literary Criticism Perspective2.2 The Pragmatic PerspectiveChapter Three Theoretical Framework of the Adaptation Theory3.1 Introduction3.2 Interpretation of Linguistic Choice3.3 Three Properties of Language Use3.3.1 Variability3.3.2 Negotiability3.3.3 Adaptability3.4 Four Aspects of Adaptability3.4.1 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability3.4.2 Structural Objects of Adaptability3.4.3 Dynamics of Adaptability3.4.4 Salience of the Adaptation Processes3.5 Two Kinds of Context3.6 Ingredients of the Communicative Context3.7 SummaryChapter Four Sample Analysis4.1 Adaptation to the Physical World in Emma’s Speech4.1.1 Introduction4.1.2 Adaptation to Temporal Reference4.1.3 Adaptation to Spatial Reference4.1.4 Adaptation to Material Conditions4.1.5 Summary4.2 Adaptation to the Social World in Emma’s Speech4.2.1 Introduction4.2.2 Adaptation to Social Class4.2.3 Adaptation to Social Relationships4.2.3.1 Adaptation to Family Relationship4.2.3.2 Adaptation to Romantic Relationship4.2.3.3 Adaptation to Friendship4.2.4 Adaptation to Culture4.2.5 Summary4.3 Adaptation to the Mental World in Emma’s Speech4.3.1 Introduction4.3.2 Adaptation to Utterer’s Personality4.3.3 Adaptation to Utterer’s Emotions4.3.4 Adaptation to Utterer’s Beliefs4.3.5 Adaptation to Utterer’s Motivations4.3.6 SummaryChapter Five ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements在学期间发表的学术论文和参加科研情况
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