作者(2019)在《The Innovative Design of Seedling Transplanting Combination Mechanism with TRIZ》一文中研究指出:Aiming at the problem of poor gathering effect of seedling transplanting combination mechanism that is designed independently, the intensive study has been done by using the main tools of TRIZ: the fu
Aiming at the problem of poor gathering effect of seedling transplanting combination mechanism that is designed independently, the intensive study has been done by using the main tools of TRIZ: the fu
[1].The Innovative Design of Seedling Transplanting Combination Mechanism With TRIZ[A]. Gao Guohua,Wang Kai.Abstracts of 2015 International Conference on Structural,Mechanical and Materials Engineering(ICSMME 2015)[C]. 2015[2].The Overall Scheme Design of Automatic Mushrooms Shear Pin Machine Based on the TRIZ Innovation Theory[A]. Y.C.Deng,Y.Zhou,M.Yu.Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Automation,Mechanical and Electrical Engineering(AMEE 2015)[C]. 2015[3].Application of TRIZ Contradiction In Innovative Design of The Filling Mechanism[A]. Gao Guohua,Li Fu.Abstracts of 2015 International Conference on Structural,Mechanical and Materials Engineering(ICSMME 2015)[C]. 2015[4].Research and Implementation on Patent Knowledge Modeling based on TRIZ[A]. Chang Qing Gao,Wei Chen,Shan Min Mi,Fang Zhao.Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Automation (AMMA 2015)[C]. 2015[5].The Application of TRIZ Theory for Innovative Design Intelligently Scattered Grain Pickup Machine on the Road[A]. Teng Haikun,Liu Xinsheng,Li Lunbin.Proceedings of 2017 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Engineering(ICIE 2017)[C]. 2017[6].The innovative design of seedling transplanting combination mechanism based on TRIZ[A]. Gao Guohua,Wang Kai.Abstracts of International Conference on Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics (ICAEMM 2016)[C]. 2016[7].TRIZ理论在逆流冷却干燥机分料系统改进过程中的应用[A]. 李少华,阮海健,雷晓东.2012中国农业机械学会国际学术年会论文集[C]. 2012[8].Application of TRIZ contradiction theory in innovative design of the potted filling soil mechanism[A]. Gao Guohua,Li Fu.Abstracts of International Conference on Applied Engineering, Materials and Mechanics (ICAEMM 2016)[C]. 2016
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标签:2019 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence; Automation and Control Technologies (AIACT 2019)2019-04-25论文;
:The Innovative Design of Seedling Transplanting Combination Mechanism with TRIZ论文