
AcknowledgementsAbstract内容摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Objectives and methods1.3 Significance1.4 Structure of the thesisChapter 2 Literal review2.1 Previous research of public signs2.1.1 Review of the definition of public signs2.1.2 Review of features and functions of public signs2.1.3 Review of classification of public signs2.2 Previous researches of Chinese public signs' translation2.3 Campaigns of public signs' translation2.4 Main theories of previous researches2.4.1 Functional equivalent theory2.4.2 Newmark's Communicative Approach2.4.3 Skopos Theory2.4.4 Adaptation Theory2.5 Limitations of Previous ResearchesChapter 3 Public signs3.1 Definition of Public Signs3.2 Functions of Public Signs3.2.1 Directing3.2.2 Prompting3.2.3 Announcing3.2.4 Warning3.2.5 Persuading3.2.6 Broadcasting3.3 Language Features of Chinese Public Signs3.3.1 Use of Nouns or Nominal Phrases3.3.2 Use of Verbs or Verbal Phrases3.3.3 Use of Imperative Sentences3.3.4 Use of Combination of Words and Pictures3.4 Classification of Public Signs3.5 Current Situation of Public Signs' Translation3.5.1 Merits of Current Translation3.5.2 Demerits of Current TranslationChapter 4 Adaptation theory and its application in public signs' translation4.1 Language Use as a Process of Making Choices and Its Application in Public Signs Translation4.1.1 Introduction4.1.2 Application in Public Signs Translation4.2 Four Angles of Investigation and Their Application4.2.1 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability and Its Application4.2.1.1 Physical World4.2.1.2 Mental World4.2.1.3 Social World4.2.1.4 Linguistic Context4.2.2 Structural Objects of Adaptability and Its Application4.2.2.1 Language, Code, and Style4.2.2.2 Utterance-building Ingredients4.2.2.3 Utterance-building Principles4.2.3 Dynamics of Adaptability and Its Application4.2.3.1 Temporal Dimension4.2.3.2 Dynamics and Context4.2.3.3 Dynamics and Structure4.2.4 Salience of Adaptability and Its ApplicationChapter 5 Translation Methods under Adaptation Theory5.1 Vocative Context of Public Signs5.1.1 Borrowing5.1.2 Over-translation5.1.3 Under-translation5.2 Informative Context of Public Signs5.2.1 Pinyin plus Literal Translation5.2.2 Literal Translation5.3 Phatic Context of Public SignsChapter6 Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 Limitations6.3 Implications and SuggestionsReferences
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标签:汉语公示语论文; 英译论文; 顺应论论文; 翻译方法论文;