

论文题目: 用Al2O3/Tin双联沉积工艺改善铝合金在重载条件下的摩擦性能

论文类型: 博士论文

论文专业: 材料加工工程

导师: 钱翰城

关键词: 铝合金,微等离子体氧化,陶瓷膜层

文献来源: 重庆大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 铝合金作为最重要的轻合金已广泛用于制造业,它具有一系列优越的物理、力学和工程性能:如比强度高,优良的导电及导热率,易于成形和加工,抗大气腐蚀能力强等优点。当然它亦表现出某些不足之处,例如其表面硬度较低,从而导致其耐磨性能较差,为改善其耐磨性,常采用表面沉积陶瓷膜层技术以提高其硬度,常用的气相沉积技术如物理气相沉积(PVD Physical vapour deposition) 化学气相沉积(CVD Chemical vapour deposition),物理化学气相沉积(PCVD Physical chemical vapour deposition)或物理辅助化学气相沉积(PACAD Plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition)以及离子增强化学气相沉积(PECVD Plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition)。* 气相沉积法可在工件表面生成1-10μm的陶瓷膜如TiN,CrN、BN,WN 等,膜层硬而薄,致密光滑,摩擦系数低,适合于在低表面载荷情况下工作。另一种是液相沉积技术,如微等离子体氧化技术(MPO Microplasma oxidation),此法是在特定成份电解液中通过微等离子体放电在工件表面沉积30-200μm(或更厚)的Al2O3 膜层,此膜层硬而厚,承载能力强,但较粗糙,摩擦系数高,适宜于在润滑条件下工作。本研究的目的是开发一种新的MPO/PVD 双联沉积工艺,在铝合金表面形成Al2O3/TiN 复合陶瓷层,此复合层既具有承载能力强的优点,又具有摩擦系数低,减磨、耐磨的特点。本研究对扩大铝合金的应用范围有理论意义和实用价值。本研究的创新点如下: ①提出了MPO/PVD 双联沉积工艺的设想,并成功地制备出了Al2O3/TiN 复合陶瓷层,该复合层承载能力高于单一沉积层,在干摩擦及润滑条件下服役均较理想。②研究了MPO 工艺沉积参数与膜层孔隙率的关系,同时提出了控制膜层孔隙率的方法,为获得优质Al2O3 膜层提出了理论依据及具体方法。③研究了在MPO 工艺形成的Al2O3 绝缘层上用PVD 工艺沉积TiN 层的技术并获得了结合良好的界面。本研究的其它重要工作还包括: ①探明了MPO 工艺电解液成份及操作参数与膜层厚度、硬度,生长速度等的关系,对膜层颗粒微观结构的影响,同时提出了获得高质量膜层的临界参数概念,为实现过程控制奠定了基础。


Chinese abstract

English abstract

List of tables

List of figures

1 Introduction

1.1 introductory remarks

1.2 Tribological properties of aluminum alloys

1.3 Main concept and inherent advantages of surface engineering

1.4 Surface engineering of aluminum alloys

1.4.1 Main task and early developments

1.4.2 developments and main issues of present techniques

1.5 Thesis objectives and outline

2 Literature review and overview of thesis research efforts

2.1 Literature review

2.1.1 Preface

2.1.2 Single coating

2.1.3 Simulation approaches

2.1.4 Microplasma oxidation (MPO)

2.1.5 Duplex coatings technologies

2.1.6 Perspective of research in the literature

2.2 Overview of thesis research efforts

3 Microplasma oxidation concept

3.1 Dverview

3.2 Fundamentals

3.2.1 Phenomenology

3.2.2 Theoretical models

3.2.3 Discharge parameters

3.2.4 Critical voltage

3.3 Equipment

3.4 Inherent advantages and Applications

3.5 Summary

4 Vapour deposition and magnetron sputtering techniques

4.1 Background

4.2 General characteristics of PVD technique

4.3 Common characteristics of PVD and CVD technique

4.4 Classification of deposition techniques

4.5 Classification of PVD techniques

4.6 Magnetron and unbalanced magnetron sputtering

4.6.1 Background

4.6.2 Inherent advantages and benefits

4.6.3 Basic and key technologies for development

4.7 Importance of A1203/TiN coating in the thesis to PVD processes

4.8 TiN coating

4.8.1 Important properties and applications

4.8.2 Plastic deformation and coating failure

4.8.3 Widely researched duplex coatings combining TiN coating: benefits,issues and prospective future

4.9 Summary

5 Optimization and Experimental Details

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Optimization of MPO electrolyte and deposition parameters

5.2.1 Optimization of MPO electrolyte

5.2.2 Optimization of deposition parameters

5.3 Materials and specimens

5.4 MPO equipment and setting

5.5 Deposition of TiN coating

5.6 Measurement of hardness and coating thickness

5.7 Friction and wear tests

5.7.1 Timken tester

5.7.2 Pin-on disc test

5.8 Scratch test

5.9 SEM and XRD analysis

5.10 Pores characterization

5.11 Summary of the Experiments

6 Results and discussion

6.1 Optimization of MPO electrolyte and deposition parameters

6.1.1 Optimization of MPO electrolyte

6.1.2 Optimization of deposition parameters

6.1.3 MPO coating prepared using the optimized data

6.2 MPO coating of different thickness

6.2.1 Wear test results

6.2.2 Micro structural observation and porosity characterization

6.2.3 Hardness distribution

6.2.4 Controlling porosity: study on research advances and selection of probable process

6.3 Duplex coatings deposited using different TiN coating deposition parameters

6.3.1 Effect of deposition condition on sample temperature

6.3.2 XRD analysis

6.3.3 SEM observation

6.3.4 Mechanical properties

6.3.5 Tribological properties

6.4 Duplex coatings at different MPO coating thickness

6.4.1 Mechanical properties

6.4.2 Timken test

6.4.3 Results from Pin-on-disc test

6.4.4 Scratch test

6.5 Summary of the Results

7 Conclusions and future work

7.1 summary and findings

7.2 future work





1. List of publication

2. Chinese translation of the conclusions and summaries

发布时间: 2005-11-07


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