摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 The Sound and the Fury as a Narrative Mystery1.2 The Approach of Indirection Used in The Sound and the Fury1.3 A Brief Introduction of the Outline of my ThesisChapter Two Unreliable Narrators in The Sound and the Fury2.1 Theory on Unreliable Narrator2.2 Faulkner's Use of Unreliable Narrators in The Sound and the FuryChapter Three Caddy's Maternity as Reflected in Benjy's Narrative3.1 Benjy's Unreliable Narration3.2 Caddy as a Token of Maternity in Benjy's NarrativeChapter Four Caddy's Virginity as Reflected in Quentin's Narrative4.1 Quentin's Unreliable Narration4.2 Caddy as a Symbol of Virginity in Quentin's NarrativeChapter Five Caddy's Purity as Negated in Jason's Narrative5.1 Jason's Unreliable Narration5.2 Caddy as a Paradoxical Symbol of Impurity in Jason's NarrativeChapter Six ConclusionReferences攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgement个人简历
标签:不可靠叙述者论文; 可靠性论文; 叙事手法论文; 凯蒂形象论文;