AbstractAbstract (Chinese)ContentsChapter I Introduction1.1 The Motif of Moving on the Road1.2 Social Background of America after the Second World War1.2.1 The Economic Prosperity1.2.2 The Cold-War Mentality1.3 Beat Generation and On the RoadChapter II On the Road to Self-Freedom2.1 Break from the Social Constraints2.1.1 The Impulse to Move2.1.2 All for "Kicks"2.2 Break from Women—as Symbol of Family ObligationsChapter III On the Road to Self-Preservation3.1 Death and Rebirth of Sal Paradise3.2 Sal's Attempts to Maintain Individuality3.2.1 Sal's Self-Marginalization3.2.2 Sal's Association with the Early Pioneers3.2.3 To Wind up as a BumChapter IV On the Road to Self-Filfullment4.1 The Loss of "Father"4.2 Desperate Efforts for Self-Fulfillment4.2.1 Self-centered: Promotion of the Authentic Self4.2.2 "IT": Living for the PresentChapter V ConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:在路上论文; 路上文学母题论文; 个人自由论文; 自我维护论文; 自我实现论文;
在路上追寻 ——“路上生活”在杰克·克鲁亚克《在路上》中的重现