摘要AbstractContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introducing the topic and significance of writing1.2 Theoretical framework1.3 Research goals1.4 Research methodology1.4.1 Research approaches1.4.2 The main object of the study and the reason1.5 The structures of this thesisChapter 2 Profile of English Film Titles2.1 Film genres2.1.1 Adventure films or horror films2.1.2 Fantasy films or sci-fi films2.1.3 Comedy films2.1.4 Lyric Films2.2 Naming approaches to English films2.2.1 Naming by main characters2.2.2 Naming by place2.2.3 Naming by theme2.2.4 Naming by plot2.3 Features of English film titles2.3.1 Linguistic features2.3.2 Aesthetic features2.3.3 Cultural features2.4 Functions of film titles2.4.1 Informative function2.4.2 Expressive function2.4.3 Aesthetic function2.4.4 Vocative function or commercial function2.5 Positions of film titles2.5.1 The importance of a film's title2.5.2 Specific roles of film titles2.6 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Andre Lefevere's theories---translation as rewriting3.2 The general introduction to functional theories of translation3.3 Skopostheorie3.3.1 Definitions of skopos3.3.2 Skopos' principle3.4 Translating and the theory of action3.4.1 Translation as intentional interaction3.4.2 Translating as a communicative action3.4.3 Translating as an intercultural actionChapter 4 Practice of FTT4.1 Skopostheorie's influence on FTT4.2 Realization of four values4.2.1 Realization of cultural value4.2.1.1 Cultural connotation in FTT4. Religious stories,fairy tales and legendaries4. Idioms4.2.1.2 Cultural adaptation4. Language system4.2.2 Realization of informative value4.2.2.1 Information providing aspect4. Informing audience of the film genre4. Informing audience of the theme of a film4.2.3 Realization of aesthetic value4.2.3.1.The adoption of four-character,five-character and seven-character phrases4.2.3.2 Rhyme and tone4.2.4 Realization of commercial value4.2.4.1 Adopting eye-catching words4.3 Methods and techniques of FTT4.4 SummaryChapter 5 Comparison of English Film Title Translations in Hong Kong,Taiwan and Mainland China5.1 Comparison of similarities and differences in FTT in Hong Kong,Taiwan and Mainland China5.2 Unique features of English FTT in Hong Kong,Taiwan and Mainland China and their potential reasons5.2.1 Unique features of FTT in the three regions5.2.2 The potential reasons5.3 The corresponding strategies5.4 SummaryChapter 6 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix:历届奥斯卡获奖最佳影片Acknowledgements个人简历发表的学术论文
标签:电影片名翻译论文; 目的论论文; 文化论文; 四个价值的实现论文;