Abstract摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 The Origin of the Thesis1.2 Purpose of the Research1.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 GaoYihong's Productive Bilingualism2.1.1 Gao Yihong's Basis:Fromm's Productive Orientation2 Model'>2.1.2 Gao Yihong's 1+1>2 Model2 Model'>2.1.3 Major Features of Productive Bilingualism/1+1>2 Model2.1.4 Summary of the Sociocultural Competence2.2 The Recent Research on Productive Bilingualism2.2.1 Lambert's Social Psychological2.2.2 Schumann's Acculturation Model2.2.3 Gardner's Social Educational Model2.2.4 Clements' Social Context Model2.2.5 Dornyei's L2 Motivational Self-system Model2.2.6 SummaryChapter Three Research Procedure3.1 Research Subjects3.2 Research Objectives3.3 Instrument in the Quantitative Research3.4 Research QuestionsChapter Four Results Analysis and Discussion4.1 Data Analysis and Discussion of the Quantitative Research4.2 Advantages of Qualitative Research4.3 Results of Students' Interview and Analysis4.3.1 Analysis of Selected Students' Linguistic Competence and Communicative Competence4.3.2 Analysis of Selected Students' Critical Competence4.3.3 Analysis of Selected Students' Personality4.3.4 Major Findings4.4 Analysis of Selected Teachers' Interview4.4.1 The Purpose of the Teachers' Interview4.4.2 Results and Analysis of the Teachers' InterviewChapter Five Application in Pedagogy5.1 Motivation Stimulation5.2 The Molding of Communicative Competence5.3 The Molding of Critical Competence5.4 The Molding of PersonalityChapter Six ConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:生产性双语现象论文; 社会文化能力论文; 批判能力论文; 自我实现论文; 文化认同论文;