中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisContentsChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Academic Review of Legal Translation2.1 Legal translation2.1.1 Definition of legal translation2.1.2 Significance of legal translation2.2 Academic review of legal translation2.2.1 History of legal translation2.2.2 Current legal translation studies2.2.3 Prospects of legal translationChapter Three Functionalist Translation Theory3.1 Introduction to functionalist translation theory3.1.1 Emergence of functionalist translation theory3.1.2 A general view of functionalist translation theory3.2 The landmarks of functionalist translation theory3.2.1 Reiss' functionalist translation criticism and text typology3.2.2 M(a|¨)ntt(a|¨)ri's theory of translational action3.2.3 Vermeer's skopos theorie3.2.4 Christiane Nord's theory of function plus loyalty3.3 SummaryChapter Four Features of Legal Language and Functional Analysis in Legal Translation4.1 Features of legal language4.1.1 Lexical features4.1.2 Semantic features4.1.3 Syntactic features4.1.4 Summary4.2 Text analysis and its influences on legal translation4.2.1 Types of legal language and legal texts4.2.2 Reiss' text typology and legal translation4.3 Functional analysis in legal translation4.3.1 Identifying the functions of legal translation4.3.2 Enlightenment for legal translation from functionalist translation theoryChapter Five Applying Functionalism in Legal Translation and Principles for Legal Translation5.1 Applying functionalism in legal translation5.1.1 Three rules for legal translation5.1.2 Applying functionalism in legal translation5.2 Overview of translation principles5.3 Principles for legal translation5.3.1 Accuracy and precision5.3.2 Consistency and identity5.3.3 Clarity and concision5.3.4 Professionalism5.3.5 Standardized language5.3.6 Team work5.4 Towards a quality assessment approach to legal translation5.4.1 Different criteria of translation5.4.2 Quality assessment of legal translation5.4.3 SummaryChapter Six The Role and Creativity of Legal Translation6.1 The role of legal translation6.1.1 The role of translator6.1.2 The role of legal translator6.1.3 Text receiver and producer in legal translation6.2 Qualification of legal translators6.2.1 A good command of source and target languages and translation skills6.2.2 A good command of law systems and legal knowledge6.2.3 High responsibilities6.3 Creativity in legal translation6.3.1 Definition of creativity6.3.2 Creativity in legal translation6.3.3 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 The conclusion of the thesis7.2 Limitations of the thesisReferencesAcknowledgements
标签:功能翻译理论论文; 法律翻译论文; 译者论文;