摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Interpretations on Double-subject Construction by Different Schools of Linguists1.1 Subject and Topic1.1.1 Definition and Features of Subject1.1.2 Definition and Features of Topic1.2 Interpretations on Double-subject Construction by Different Schools of Linguists1.2.1 American Structuralists1.2.2 Chomskyan Linguists1.2.3 Systemic Functional Linguists1.2.4 Other OpinionsChapter 2 Chinese Subject and Topic in the Light of Cognitive Grammar2.1 Subject2.2 Topic and Topic-construction2.3 Classifications of Chinese Double-subject Construction2.3.1 A Distinguish from Chinese Double-subject Construction2.3.2 Classifications of Chinese Double-subject Constructions2.3.2.1 Chinese Overt Double-subject Construction and Chinese Covert Double-subject Construction2.3.2.2 Chinese Unmarked Double-subject Construction and Chinese Marked Double-subject ConstructionChapter 3 Reference-point Construction and Chinese Double-subject Construction3.1 Reference Point3.1.1 Reference Point3.1.2 Reference-point Principle3.2 Reference-point Construction3.2.1 Basic Cognitive Assumption of Reference-point Construction3.2.2 Further Application of Reference-point Construction3.3 Cognitive Interpretation of Chinese Double-subject Construction1 as the Possessor of NP2'>3.3.1 Chinese Overt Double-subject Construction With NP1 as the Possessor of NP23.3.1.1 Properties1 as the Possessor of NP2'> Analysis of Chinese Overt Double-subject Constructions with NP1 as the Possessor of NP21 and NP2 Referring to Each Other'>3.3.2 Chinese Overt Double-subject Construction With NP1 and NP2 Referring to Each Other3.3.2.1 Properties1 and NP2 Referring to Each Other'> Analysis of Chinese Overt Double-subject Construction With NP1 and NP2 Referring to Each Other1 and NP2 Omitted'>3.3.3 Chinese Overt Double-subject Construction With and Between NP1 and NP2Omitted2 as Possessor in Terms of NP1'>3.3.4 Chinese Overt Double-subject Construction With NP2 as Possessor in Terms of NP1Chapter 4 A Further Exploration of Chinese Double-subject Construction1 as the Possessor of NP2'>4.1 More Characteristics of Chinese and English Overt Double-subject Construction With NP1 as the Possessor of NP21 and NP<sub>2 Referring to Each Other'>4.2 More Characteristics of Chinese and English Overt Double-subject Construction With NP1 and NP<sub>2 Referring to Each Other1 and NP2 Omitted'>4.3 More Characteristics of Chinese and English Overt Double-subject Construction With and Between NP1 and NP2Omitted2 as Possessor in Terms of NP1'>4.4 More Characteristics of Chinese and English Overt Double-subject Construction With NP2 as Possessor in Terms of NP1ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix(攻读学位期间主要研究成果目录)详细摘要
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标签:汉语双主语结构论文; 认知语法论文; 参照点论文; 主语和话题论文;