AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Table of ContentsLists of Tables and FiguresChapter One Introduction1.1 General description of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Structure of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 An introduction to cognitive styles2.1.1 Definition of cognitive styles2.1.2 Classification of cognitive styles2.1.3 Factors affecting cognitive styles2.2 An introduction to FD/FI cognitive style2.2.1 Definition of FD/FI cognitive style2.2.2 Assessment of FD/FI cognitive style2.2.3 Characteristic of FD/FI cognitive styles2.3 An introduction to English reading strategies2.3.1 The importance of strategic reading2.3.2 Definition of English reading strategies2.3.3 Classification of English reading strategies2.4 Review of Related Studies2.4.1 Studies of English reading strategies2.4.2 Studies of FD/FI styles in English learning2.4.3 Studies of FD/FI styles with English reading strategiesChapter There Methodology3.1 Research questions3.2 Research design3.2.1 Quantitative research design3.2.2. Qualitative research designChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 The Characteristic of FD/FI Cognitive Styles of Different majors4.1.1 The descriptive statistics for scores on GEFT of different majors4.1.2 The influence of major on the FD/FI cognitive styles4.1.3 The reason why different majors have different FD/FI cognitive styles4.2 Characteristic of Using Reading Strategies by Individual Participants4.3 The Influences of FD/FI Cognitive Styles on Reading Strategy Use4.3.1 Overall situation of the use of reading strategies between FD and FIparticipants4.3.2 The influences of different FD/FI cognitive styles on reading strategy useChapter Five Conclusion and Pedagogical Implication5.1 The Pedagogical Implication5.1.1 Enhancing reading strategy training5.1.2 Arousing awareness of FD/FI cognitive styles5.1.3 Adjusting to students' FD/FI cognitive styles5.2 Limitations of the Study5.3 Suggestions for Further StudyReferencesAppendixⅠ 《中国大学生英语阅读策略问卷调查》Appendix ⅡAppendixⅢ 《镶嵌图形测验》Papers published
标签:认知风格论文; 场独立论文; 场依存论文; 英语阅读策略论文; 专业论文;