摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Children's Literature in Literary Translation1.1 Children's Literature1.1.1 Definition of Children's Literature1.1.2 Classification of Children's Literature and Its Features1.2 The Status of Children's Literature in Literary Translation1.3 Previous Translation Studies in Children's Literature1.3.1 Relevant Studies in China1.3.2 Relevant Studies in Other Countries1.4 Limitations of Previous Research on the Translation of Children's LiteratureChapter 2 Reception Theory:Applicable to the Translation ofChildren's Literature2.1 Reception Theory2.1.1 Historical Development of Reception Theory2.1.2 Some Important Concepts of Reception Theory2.1.2.1 The Role and Status of the Reader2.1.2.2 The Horizon of Expectation of the Reader2.2 Reception Theory in Translation of Children's Literature2.2.1 Feasibility of the Reception Theory2.2.2 Enlightenments to the Translation of Children's Literature2.2.2.1 Reader's Role and Status2.2.2.2 Children's Horizon of Expectation2.2.2.3 Readers'Reception and Response to TranslationChapter 3 Changes of Horizon of Children's Expectation and thePresent-age Translation of Children's Literature3.1 The Change of the Horizon of Children's Expectation3.1.1 Factors Leading to the Change3.1.1.1 Accumulation of Reading Experience3.1.1.2 External Factors3.1.2 Changes Made in Different Periods in China3.2 Translation of Children's Literature in the Present Age3.2.1 In Material Choice:Diversified,Exotic and Fashionable3.2.2 In Translation Strategies:Possibility of Foreignizing Translation3.2.2.1 The Horizon of Expectations and the Translation Strategies3.2.2.2 The Change of Horizon of Expectation and ForeignizationChapter 4 Translation of Harry Potter in China under the ReceptionTheory4.1 Introduction to the Translation of Harry Potter Series4.1.1 About the Author4.1.2 About the Main Translators4.1.3 About the Target Readers4.1.4 Previous Translation Studies on Harry Potter4.2 Material Choice4.2.1 The Horizon of Expectation of Harry Potter4.2.2 The Fusion of Horizons between Harry Potter and Children4.2.2.1 Catering to the Children's Fantastic Imaginations4.2.2.2 A Creative Text Conform to the Tastes of Children4.2.2.3 Unique and Lovely Child Image4.2.2.4 Abounds with Modern Elements4.3 Strategies Applied to the Translation of Harry Potter4.3.1 Position of the Target Readers in Translator's Mind4.3.2 Domestication and Foreignization in Light of Horizon of Expectation4.3.2.1 Domesticating Translation of Harry Potter4. The Advantages of Domestication4. The Defects of Domestication4.3.2.2 Foreignizing Translation of Harry Potter4. Advantages4. Defects4.3.2.3 The Change of Horizon of Expectation and the Characteristics of the Translated Version4.4 The Reader-Response of Harry Potter in ChinaConclusionNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要的研究成果目录
- [1].中国儿童文学师夷说[J]. 浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版) 2009(01)
标签:儿童文学译介论文; 接受理论论文; 期待视野论文; 哈利波特论文; 选材论文; 翻译策略论文;
儿童期待视野的扩展与当今儿童文学翻译 ——以《哈利·波特》翻译为例