Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Aim of the Research1.3 Framework of the ThesisChapter 2 Skopos Theory2.1 The Theoretical Background2.2 The Theoretical Framework2.2.1 Three Rules and Their Relationship2.2.2 Criterion of Evaluation2.2.3 Function Plus Loyalty2.3 The Significance of SkoposTheory2.3.1 A New Definition of Translation2.3.2 Giving Prominence to Target Text and Translator2.3.3 A Flexible Choice in Translation Strategies2.3.4 Enlightenment to Translation CriticismChapter 3 An Introduction to Ah Q Zheng Zhuan and Two English Versions3.1 About Ah Q Zheng Zhuan3.2 A General Survey of Two English Versions3.2.1 Yang Hsien-Yi,Gladys Yang and their Intention3.2.2 William A.Lyell and his Intention3.3 Translation StrategiesChapter 4 An Analysis on Translation Strategies Adopted in the Two English Versions Based on Skopos Theory4.1 Analysis from Linguistic Perspective4.1.1 Analysis at the Level of Vocabulary4.1.2 Analysis at the Level of Sentence4.1.3 Summary4.2 Analysis from Cultural Perspective4.2.1 Translation of Appellations4.2.2 Translation of Idioms4.2.3 Translation of Culture-Loaded Words4.2.4 SummaryChapter 5 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
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