AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Objective and significance of the present study1.2.1 Dialogue in the sitcom versus naturally occurring conversation1.2.2 The sitcom Friends1.3 Research methodology and data collection1.3.1 Qualitative approach1.3.2 Quantitative approachChapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Foundation2.1 Definition of conflict talk and related concepts2.2 The relevant literature review on conflict talk2.3 Pragmatic Theories2.3.1 Speech Act Theory2.3.2 Politeness principles and face-threatening actChapter 3 Analysis of Conflict Talk Examples3.1 Formats of initiating conflict talks3.1.1 Claim vs. counter claim3.1.2 Directive vs. refusal3.1.3 Provoking question vs. opposing3.2 Formats of maintaining or escalating conflict talks3.2.1 Non-obedience3.2.2 Argumentative3.2.2.1 Rhetorical questions3.2.2.2 Each airing his/her own views3.2.2.3 Explanation3.2.2.4 Direct confrontation3.3 Formats of terminating conflict talks3.3.1 Submission3.3.2 Third party intervention3.3.3 Stand-off3.3.4 Compromise3.3.5 Withdrawal3.3.6 Humorous terminationChapter 4 Quantitative Summary4.1 The quantitative analysis of the three formats for initiating phase4.2 The quantitative analysis of the five formats for escalating or maintaining phase4.3 The quantitative analysis of the six formats for terminating phaseChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitations of the thesis5.3 Suggestions for further researchBibliographyAppendix One Storylines and Formats of FriendsAppendix Two Data Transcriptions from Friends
标签:冲突话语论文; 话语分析论文; 模式论文; 言语行为论文; 礼貌原则论文;