Acknowledgements内容摘要Abstract1. Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Significance of the study1.3 The structure of the thesis2. Literature Review2.1 Researches on semantic and communicative translation theory2.2 Researches on publicity material translation3. Peter Newmark's Translation Theory3.1 Functions of language3.2 Text typology3.2.1 Expressive texts3.2.2 Informative texts3.2.3 Vocative texts3.3 Translation Methods3.3.1 Communicative translation and semantic translation3.3.2 CT & ST in terms of text typology4. Publicity Writing, Its Translation and the Original Text4.1 A survey of publicity materials4.1.1 Definition4.1.2 Features4.1.3 Functions4.2 Three factors to be considered in the C-E translation of publicity materials4.2.1 Communicative effect4.2.2 Function4.2.3 Readership4.3 The original text4.3.1 A General introduction to the book《中国2010年上海世博会概览》and itsEnglish version4.3.2 Text-type analysis of the source text5. Analysis of C-E Translation of the Text from Newmark's Translation Theory5.1 Communicative translation as the dominant method5.2 Communicative translation adopted in the cases of5.2.1 Over-decorating and high-sounding expressions5.2.2 Redundant and repeated information5.2.3 Culturally or politically loaded expressions5.2.4 Technical terms5.3 Semantic translation as the subordinate method6 ConclusionBibliography
标签:对外宣传论文; 语义翻译论文; 交际翻译论文; 上海世博论文;
从纽马克的翻译理论角度看外宣资料英译 ——以《中国2010年上海世博会概览》英译为例