AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Importance of L2 reading ability for China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship candidates1.2 Two types of tests developed to test their English proficiency –PETS-5 and CSC-ET1.3 IELTS –an internationally recognized communicative test1.4 Purpose of the study1.5 Research questionsChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Overview of communicative language testing2.1.1 Communicative language ability2.1.1.1 Hyme’s view on communicative competence2.1.1.2 Canale and Swain’s theory2.1.1.3 Bachman’s framework of communicative language ability2.1.2 Communicative language test and its essential measurement qualities2.1.2.1 Authenticity2.1.2.2 Interactivness2.1.2.3 Validity2.1.2.4 Reliability2.2 L2 Reading and reading assessment2.2.1 The nature of reading2.2.2 Factors affecting reading: reader attributes and text characteristics2.2.2.1 Reader variables2.2.2.2 Text variables2.3 Chapter summaryChapter Three Study Design3.1 Subjects3.2 Study procedures3.3 Data collectionChapter Four A Proposed Framework for Analyzing Reading in PETS-5 and CSC-ET4.1 Introduction to the three tests: PETS-5, CSC-ET and IELTS4.1.1 PETS-54.1.2 CSC-ET4.1.3 IELTS4.2 A new framework4.2.1 Characteristics of the input4.2.1.1 Text forms4.2.1.2 Text topic and subject matter4.2.1.3 Text type and genre4.2.2 Expected response4.2.2.1 Skills tested4.2.2.2 Types of questions4.2.3 Statistical consideration4.2.3.1 Overview of the test scores4.2.3.2 Facility value and the discrimination index4.2.3.3 Concurrent validationChapter Five Analysis and Discussion5.1 Qualitative comparison of the reading tests in PETS-5 and CSC-ET with reference to IELTS5.1.1 Overview of the test specification of the three tests5.1.1.1 Test specification of PETS- Test specification of CSC-ET5.1.1.3 Test specification of IELTS5.1.1.4 Comparison of the three test specifications5.1.2 Characteristics of the input5.1.2.1 Text forms5.1.2.2 Text topic and subject matter5.1.2.3 Text type and genre5.1.2.4 Traditional linguistic variables and text readability5.1.3 Expected response5.1.3.1 Skills tested5.1.3.2 Types of questions5.2 Quantitative comparison of the reading tests in PETS-5 and CSC-ET5.2.1 Overview of the test results5.2.2 Item difficulty and discrimination5.2.3 Concurrent validationChapter Six Conclusion and Implications6.1 Major findings and implications6.2 LimitationsBibliographyAppendix I Text Paper 1 (PETS-5)Appendix II Text Paper 2 (CSC-ET)Appendix III Text Paper 3 (IELTS)Appendix IV Test Scores of Each Candidate
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