中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Research Questions1.3 Significance of the study1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Theoretical Basis2.1 Theoretical Concerns of Validity2.1.1 Qualities for a good test2.1.2 Definition of Validity2.1.3 Types of Validity2.2 Brief Introduction to NMET2.2.1 Historical Development of NMET2.2.2 Structure of the NMET2.2.3 Special Requirements of Reading Comprehension Tests of NMET2.2.4 Characteristics of Reading Tests of NMET2.3 Overview of Theories on Reading Comprehension Tests2.3.1 Nature of Reading2.3.2 Reading Skills2.3.3 Three Models of Reading Process2.3.4 Schema Theory2.3.5 Reading Comprehension Tests Formats2.3.6 Selection of Reading Materials2.4 Empirical Studies into Reading Comprehension Tests2.4.1 Foreign Empirical Studies2.4.2 Domestic Empirical Studies2.5 Research into wash-back2.5.1 Definition of wash-back2.5.2 Nature of wash-back2.5.3 Classifications of Wash-back2.5.4 Proposals to Promote Beneficial Wash-back2.5.5 SummaryChapter Three The Design of the Present Study3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Data collection procedure of the SQ and The TQ3.4 Research approaches and Method3.5 SummaryChapter Four Findings and Discussions4.1 What is the situation of English reading teaching and learning at present?4.1.1 The content of reading teaching for SeniorⅢ4.1.2 Students' motivation of English Learning4.1.3 What are the problems in reading comprehension?4.2 What are the causes of the reading problems existing in teachers and students?4.2.1 What are the teachers' problems in teaching reading comprehension?4.2.2 What are the students' problems in learning reading comprehension?4.2.3 The common problems of teachers and students4.3 What are Positive And Negative Effect of Tests of NMET on Reading Teaching?4.4 Major Factors Affecting the Nature of Washback of NMET4.4.1 Test use affecting the nature of washback of the NMET4.4.2 The influence of the selecting use on the goal of learning affecting the nature of washback of the NMET4.4.3 The influence of the evaluating use on the goal of teaching affecting the nature of washback of the NMET4.4.4 The enfeebled directing use affecting the nature of washback of the NMETChaPter Five The aPPlieation of the result of the researeh to the teaehing and learning of reading5.1 Some suggestion on the unsolved problems in reading teaching and learning to achieve beneficial washback effect of NMET reading test5.2 Some suggestions for the Testing Service Centre to achieve beneficial washback effect of NMET reading test5.3 Limitations of the study5.4 Recommendations and Implications for Future English Reading Teaching and LearningReferencesAppendix Ⅰ 课程标准及教学大纲对高中英语阅读教学的要求Appendix Ⅱ 2006年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试卷(福建卷:阅读题)Acknowledgement
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