李伟安:Ionothermal Synthesis and Characterization of a New Selenidomercurate论文

李伟安:Ionothermal Synthesis and Characterization of a New Selenidomercurate论文


作者李伟安,张东,白冰,周创宇,蒋疆,冯美玲(2019)在《Ionothermal Synthesis and Characterization of a New Selenidomercurate》一文中研究指出:A new selenidomercurate compound, namely(bmmim)2Hg(Se4)2(1, bmmim = 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium), has been ionothermally synthesized by the reaction of HgSe, Sb and Se in a mixed solvent of the ionic liquid of(bmmim)Cl and methylamine aqueous solution. The(bmmim)Cl acted as an efficient structure-directing agent(SDA) and reactive solvent in the formation of 1. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction study reveals that 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c with a = 17.9540(10), b = 10.8863(5), c = 16.4728(9) ?, β = 110.024(2)°, V = 3025.0(3) ?3, Z = 4, D-1 c = 2.500 mg·m-3, F(000) = 2088, μ = 14.729 mm, R = 0.0186 and wR = 0.0503(I > 2σ(I)). The structure of compound 1 features a bamboo dragonfly-like anion unit of [Hg(Se4)2]2-in which the Hg atom binds to two(Se4)2-groups to form two five-membered rings. The thermal stability and optical property of compound 1 were also investigated.


A new selenidomercurate compound, namely(bmmim)2Hg(Se4)2(1, bmmim = 1-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium), has been ionothermally synthesized by the reaction of HgSe, Sb and Se in a mixed solvent of the ionic liquid of(bmmim)Cl and methylamine aqueous solution. The(bmmim)Cl acted as an efficient structure-directing agent(SDA) and reactive solvent in the formation of 1. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction study reveals that 1 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c with a = 17.9540(10), b = 10.8863(5), c = 16.4728(9) ?, β = 110.024(2)°, V = 3025.0(3) ?3, Z = 4, D-1 c = 2.500 mg·m-3, F(000) = 2088, μ = 14.729 mm, R = 0.0186 and wR = 0.0503(I > 2σ(I)). The structure of compound 1 features a bamboo dragonfly-like anion unit of [Hg(Se4)2]2-in which the Hg atom binds to two(Se4)2-groups to form two five-membered rings. The thermal stability and optical property of compound 1 were also investigated.


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  • 论文详细介绍

    论文作者分别是来自Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry的李伟安,张东,白冰,周创宇,蒋疆,冯美玲,发表于刊物Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年09期论文,是一篇关于,Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年09期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry2019年09期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。


    李伟安:Ionothermal Synthesis and Characterization of a New Selenidomercurate论文
