中文摘要ABSTRACTIntroductionI The significance of the research1.1 The theoretical significance and realistic significance of the research on learning strategies1.2 The significance of using learning strategiesII Literature review2.1 What is learning strategies?2.2 The main features of learning strategies2.3 The distinctions between learning strategy and learning method2.4 Some useful strategies by the experts of this field2.5 The feasibility of fostering the learning strategies.2.5.1 The psychological development features of senior high school students2.5.2 the learning characteristic of senior high school studentsIII Research methodology3.1 Subjects3.2 Instrument3.3 Research Procedures3.3.1 Data Collecting Procedure3.3.2 Data Analysis and results3.3.2.1 Correlation analysis between learning strategies and NMET scores3.3.2.2 the analysis of the use of the learning strategiesIV The principles and ways of strategy fostering in English Teaching4.1 the fostering of Meta-cognitive strategies4.1.1 the content of management evaluation strategies for middle school students4.1.2 the principles of fostering meta-cognitive strategies4.1.3 the model of fostering meta-cognitive strategies4.2. the fostering of cognitive strategies4.2.1 the content of cognitive strategies for middle school students4.2.2 the process and the condition of the acquisition of cognitive strategies4.2.3 the principles of fostering meta-cognitive strategies4.3 the fostering of social or affective strategies4.3.1 the content of social or affective strategies for middle school students4.3.2 the ways of fostering social or affective strategies to senior high school studentsV ConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements(致谢)
标签:学习策略论文; 学习水平论文; 高中生论文; 重要性论文; 意识论文;